How to Get a Guy Interested When He is Bored of You! These Tips Will Do the Repair Work For You

If you have won a man's attention and have also succeeded in making him more than a friend, then you will need to ascertain that this man would remain interested in you for good. How do you do just that?
It's all about the fun moments.
It is highly important that you like doing the same things together. Once you do this, you will be spending more time with each other, thus, you will also have more chances of becoming more intimate. And while there's intimacy and the feeling of romance, he will always remain interested in you.
Be genuinely kind and caring
It's also important that you let your man know and feel that you do care for him. You should readily listen when he needs to say something. You should be the primary person that he would like to spend his ups and downs with.
Reinvent yourself if you have to.
Men love the idea that you keep improving yourself just so you could please them. Have a positive attitude and also a great, gorgeous body and he'll never be bored with you - ever!
Get a life, dear!
Your happiness doesn't depend on your man. Sure, he can be a source of joy but if you lack the drive to achieve dreams of your own or to have your own set of interests and hobbies, then you will be as boring as a wallflower.
Let him discover you little by little.
Don't let him see your totality in just one seating. Instead, let him discover every aspect of you day by day. If you do this, your man will be highly intrigued of the things that he has yet to discover and so he'll always be interested in you.
Nag not.
Don't ever paint him into a corner by bombarding him with constant nagging. Don't ask him to account for each minute that he was away from you.
Be on top!
And not just in a sexual kind of way; you can surprise him by taking charge of your next date. Also, you can plan a romantic dinner or a movie date - one that would blow away his mind.
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