The Secret to Attracting Women That Nobody Knows, Not Even the Women!

Forget being good looking, having a great body and loads of money in the bank. There are plenty of men getting attractive women without having any of that. The reason is they display the one quality that women all love...
That is to display leadership! Now you could ask women themselves what they like best in men and probably not one woman would say "leadership" as one of their main priorities. The reason for this is that it's completely biological. Women are naturally attracted to men that are leaders, however it all subconscious. You may find a lot of women saying they find certain ugly men attractive that have money. Well it's not because of the money it's because they are probably a leader in some way. For any person to be rich they would probably have to own their own company or be a boss, or even a sports star that people look up to. Well, they are all leaders in their own way and women love that.
Now this reason stems from millions of years of evolution of the human species. Without going too deep into it, our ancestors millions of years ago were in the same position as us. Women only went for the alpha male that could lead the pack. This was because the leader would normally have the ability to provide and look after children which is the most important quality to a female.
Women are the same as any other species in that they want to survive, their main priority in life is to create new life and look after it as best they can. So if you can display qualities that show you have the potential to be able to provide for their young then women will find that very attractive. This works even if your not looking for a relationship, the attraction principles are still there.
So this is great news for regular guys, as all you need to do is work on your leadership skills more to attract women. Demonstrate your leadership skills to a woman and she will be in your hands in no time. However, do make sure it's all natural. Women aren't stupid and will figure out if you're a fake leader soon enough and then you will be back where you started!
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