Five Flirting Moves a Man Must Know

Flirting will always be the start of something special between a man and a woman. How to succeed with women? Here are five essential flirting moves to start with:
First, smile. Practice your smile in the mirror; make it bigger than usual so she would notice you.
Second, let her catch you looking. If you want her to know that you are interested in her, smile and hold your eye contact for a brief moment and then look away.
Third, start a conversation. You can try complementing something she has and asking what is the story behind it. An example would be "nice jacket, what's the story behind that?"
Fourth, hold an eye contact. In order to be an expert on how to succeed with women you want to make sure you are holding an eye contact while conversing with her some of the time.
Last but not the least, check her out. Men tend to overly do this most of the time. If you want to perfect how to succeed with women, checking out her body must be done properly. Do this by making eye contact and for a split second look down and up over her body then back to her eyes again. She must feel complimented not like a meat you want to eat.
For you to know exactly how to succeed with women, you must not be afraid to do these things. Who knows you might just win her affection in the long run with these simple yet smooth flirting moves.
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