Natural Game - Debunking This Method of Picking Up Women

There's this common scenario I see when I'm at the bar or on a social function...
I meet a fellow man who is quite adept in attracting women and people in general. He's smiling and people around him are smiling. He can make women laugh with his stories and quick wit, and can ride the line of being provocative and shocking without being off putting. To add to that, the guy is always surrounded by men who look up to him, and yes he almost always has a chick on call.
No, he's not a pick up artist, he's just himself, and the common thing I hear is... "yeah that guy, he's a natural."
I know most of you guys reading this are probably envious of how guys like him can just seamlessly come up with interesting things to say on the fly and not have any "structured" way of attracting people yet can pull the art of charm off with fewer words than you can dish out.
So, let's talk about this "phenomenon" that is Natural Game and see how we learn from upbringing and experience as major factors on what makes a man a natural.
"Am I a Natural? "
The answer is YES, but that's a YES on certain aspects of your life, all of which is completely based on your UPBRINGING and LIFE EXPERIENCES. So, unfortunately, if you didn't have an upbringing like the one I'm gonna describe to you below (my own experience), its important to read on because I actually MAP OUT and classify the "natural attributes" that are successful with women and how I developed them.
Hint Hint... it's the same method even now that you're older.
#1 Natural Attribute: Curiosity
When I was a kid I was curious, and my parents didn't hinder me from continuously being curious. When I'd wander around the supermarket picking up random items I thought were colorful and nice, I was hardly spanked or refrained from doing so.
This developed into my natural skill of being inquisitive. One of my core values is that I'm a perpetual learner. I don't consider myself as a "know it all." When something catches my attention, or intrigues me, I don't have that ego wall to ask a woman about it.
#2 Natural Attribute: Creativity and Imagination
Another attribute that got developed was that I was creative. My parents highly encouraged creativity, and gave me enough toys, drawing and painting materials, and story books to run my imagination with. Years later, this developed into that natural edge in creativity when I expressed myself.
Creative people can flirt like the best of them. When you can run your own imagination wild, you can create pictures for women to imagine. Stories, analogies, metaphors, and humor come easy when you are trained to naturally imagine. For our major cardinal move, foreshadowing, being creative in your head counts.
I was riding with one of our instructors in Chicago, Uncle Dino on our way to this Italian Beef Spot in the suburbs of Schaumburg, when he spotted a pretty polish girl on the card beside us. If you haven't seen him imagine me with Tony Soprano (Uncle Dino is actually Sicillian btw)... so Wearing his Oakley-type orange lens sunglasses... he starts waving the shades up and down revealing his eyes and starts sticking his tongue out at the women, cunnilingus style!
Seriously, he's a real fat guy and is nowhere near a male model, but shit, women LOVE it when he does that. He's currently banging 3-4 hot women in his rotation. He's one of the most natural guys I know, and damn he's creative!
#3: Natural Attribute: Leadership
Early on in life I was also the center of attention of my group. I was the fastest kid in my circle and when it came to playing tag I could not be stopped. Because I gained a certain status and respect within that group, I was able to lead and dominate group conversations easily.
Leadership has its merits, and I discussed this on the team page of the website.
#4 Natural Attribute: Social Awareness
Some kids were left at home, much like most kids now are just kept inside to play with their X Boxes. Some as young as 10 years old are already surfing the web and owning their own cellphones. I didn't go through this stage. During the early 80's, I was highly encouraged to go out and play. I never wanted to stay in. I wanted to interact, meet new friends, play in the mud and get dirty.
Every week was a new interaction at school, whether in the classroom or during breaks, then after and on the weekends it was a new neighbor's kid, a new play mate, a new friend. As an active child I was very conditioned to interact with kids and understand basic conversations.
Obviously, when I grew up, meeting people came natural to me. Instead of putting pressure on myself like how it is with structured pick up, I always dominated socially FIRST... building friends and allies, and THEN via line of sight get attraction from women. I always valued meeting new friends and so women constantly saw me laughing or having a fun time.
#5 Natural Attribute: The Attitude of "Like Me or Not, Who Cares"
When you've piled up attributes 1-4, then you really have options. Neediness is gone because you've got more friends, and more women that are in your rotation. When you have that, "naturally" you risk your interactions more... which counter intuitively INCREASES attraction in more women you meet.
Having this one attitude is very, very important because it shows that you really don't put stress on whether she likes you or not (because you already have 1-4 handled), and more importantly if a girl gives you shit in any way you'll be unreactive.
How To Develop These if You Don't Have 'Em
Whether you have them or not, it should not hinder you from succeeding with women. At the end of the day, it's all about gaining experience.
Whether you're in your 20's or 30's or even your 40's, remember that it's all about putting yourself in the scenarios of childhood I just gave you and take your time amassing experience.
- If you want to become more creative, join an improv group, read books, and watch movies with crazy special effects. Buy the new Eminem CD and feel the lyrics out.
- If you want to be more curious just naturally ask questions when something piques your interest. Don't be afraid to ask how certain things are done.
- If you want to gain leadership then whatever niche or social group you have try to gain status and respect.
- If you want to not be needy, then interact with many, many, many, many people (not approach and pick them up)... I just mean interact with them.
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