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How to Win Over a Strong-Willed Man? Here Is the Set of Tips You Need to Tackle Such a Guy


If you feel that the man you're going out with is someone that is not easily swayed into your way of thinking, then you might think that he'll overwhelm you in the long run. Feeling helpless is one thing that a woman wouldn't want to feel and so, if you don't want to experience having to say yes to this strong-willed man's every whim, here are 7 tips that you need to follow:

Have lots and lots (and lots more) of patience.

Locking horns with him won't do you any good. The trick here is to have an ample amount of patience, to be loving, and gentle. Being so, he might just be encouraged to lessen his headstrongness.

Hear him out before passing your judgment.

Being too critical or judgmental isn't the way to handle him. A strong-willed man who's painted into a corner will always retaliate, he'd be on the defense at all time, and his stubbornness will be doubled. If you just change your ways into gentler persuasion, then you might just see him bend his own rules just to accommodate your wishes.

Capitalize on what he likes.

This man could be a sucker for chicks who are adventurous, so be more outgoing and fun. Go outdoors, explore. He'll be much more pliable if you satisfy him and most of his wants.

Coax him to work together with you.

The more things that you agree on, the more that he'd want to listen and work hand in hand with you. Just like a puppy, make sure that you reward your man each time he's behaved well. You can further encourage him to keep up the good work by doing a special favor for him each time he accomplishes something for you - a nice, long massage perhaps.

Use your feminine charms.

No man can resist a woman who's using her appeal to win him over. Men can be easily captivated, excited or thrilled with the very thought of a woman who seduces him.

This is one game that you both can't play.

He's a strong-willed man so there's no way that you can be like him and still get to have a harmonious relationship. Keep in mind that you have to be submissive when he's ravaging and let him know that when it's you who's mad at something, he should also be ready to keep mum. Have this kind of agreement and you'll have a lasting union.

Always be the master of your emotions.

The moment you let your emotion get the better of you, then you're done for. This man will never be pleased with any display of emotional weakness such as nagging, clinging or crying. You have to be in control of your feelings all the time so that you would be able to calmly discuss with him - anything less is just not acceptable.

How Do I Make Sure That a Man Never Mistreats Me? Follow This If You Want Respect All the Time

Respect, as they always say, should be earned. There's just no way that you can impose to anyone that you should be respected. It may take some time for your man to esteem you highly, the road towards being respected could get tricky but it's not impossible.

Begin by establishing what your worth is.

In fact, it's really up to you whether you get respected or not. The way you look at yourself would radiate to other people. And so, if you look at yourself poorly, then don't expect that other people will put you high up on a pedestal.

Be the unique woman that you are.

You should be a woman who knows exact what she wants and has a strong will to pursue it. Men don't like to be the ones who always make the choices for the woman in their lives - sure it can be sweet at first but it can get taxing in the long run.

Mean what you say.

So if you said yes, make sure that you really wanted to say yes and that you're not just being agreeable. If you want to blatantly say no, then by all means, say NO. If your man gets used to you saying yes all the time, then be prepared to have a man who can get away with whatever he wants.

Love and respect yourself first.

Don't expect to be respected if you don't even know how to respect yourself, too. Believe that you're a worthy person and that no man should treat you less than who you truly are. Don't let the world's standard make you feel insecure about yourself. All the fashion magazines in the world might not embrace big-boned women but if you are one, be proud of it!

Heighten your self-esteem by engaging in worthwhile activities.

If you're not that good at culinary arts, then it's never too late to learn. Explore all the possible activities or hobbies that you can develop which can give you more self-confidence. A guy would not only respect you for being such an achiever, you'll also be highly admired.

Have your own social circle.

Don't let your man become the focal point of your universe. Imagine what will happen to you if he decides that you're not meant for each other? What then? Let other people into your life and busy yourself by being around your many friends. Your man will learn to respect your schedule (and you) once he learns that he's not the sole person in your life.

Live up to a good reputation.

Never get drunk in pubs and be found drooling because of drunkenness. It would be hard to restore a good reputation the moment you become untidy, odorous, or rowdy in front of other people. So don't just look good, be truly good and you'll get the respect that you deserve.

What Are the First Things Guys Notice About Girls! Here Are the Things Men Focus on the Most

The popular women get to snag the best men in town - and this isn't without a good reason. They're the ones who get the best because they know how to make men notice them. So how, exactly, should you look, behave, or even smell, just so a man would look at your direction?

Physical things first.

This may make men seem shallow but, well, that's the reality. Men are physical beings and it would be but natural for them to look at the physical traits of a woman first before he sees anything else. He'll notice your beautiful face, then his gaze will move down your bosom, down to your midsection, your hips, and those long legs - he just won't be able to help it.

Get out of your shell.

If you're nothing but shy, then there is a very slim chance that a man would be attracted to you. If you go out there and mingle with other people, you just might get noticed by the very guy that you've been eyeing. Of course, he'll need to know that you exist before he can make his move, right?

Speak with eloquence...

...and many guys will be drawn to you. Be able to discuss issues intelligently and answer questions with wittiness. Have an opinion of your own and don't be afraid to share it.

Always be behind the veil of mystery.

Guys love to chase and the mere mention of something mysterious or fascinating just excites them. So don't offer as many information about you on your first meeting. Make him crave for more by giving only a small portion each time.

Be the epitome of a lady.

You are a woman so, in all aspects of the word, you should behave like one! This doesn't mean being helpless. A lady is someone who acts with grace and poise but who can also readily take care of herself when the need calls for it.

A fun-loving you.

A man's head would always turn towards the woman who knows how to enjoy each moment that is given to her. All people have problems but it's a matter of taking charge and not letting these issues bug you that would make the difference. If you want to get noticed, then you have to have a genuine smile plastered on that beautiful face of yours.

Present the true you to the world.

There's no point in him noticing you if all he's seeing is a lie. He'll only end up being hurt in the end so it would be best to show him who you truly are from the very beginning. Let this man love you for the real you. Just believe that you have it in you to make him look your way and that would surely come true.

New Relationship Advice - Tips to Get the Right Start

Are you in a new relationship and find yourself unsure how to get things off on the right foot? Do you with you have more friends who could give you new relationship advice? Do you find that your new relationships fall apart quickly, and don't know how to avoid those traps? If so, read on for some great tips.

A new relationship can be very exciting, but many women struggle to know how they should approach them. How fast is too fast? How much is too much? The following tips make a great starting point for any new relationship.

Tip #1 - Communicate

The first and most important rule of any relationship is to communicate your needs and desires. You're in a new relationship with someone, which means they don't know you too well. How are they going to know unless you tell them? Be comfortable speaking about your needs and desires, your hopes and fears.

This is the most important piece of new relationship advice you will ever hear, but many women are afraid to express their needs out of fear of scaring off their partner. But if he's not meeting your needs, and you can't express them, they're never going to be met and the relationship is doomed.

Tip #2 - Keep Things Fresh

Every relationship falls into patterns. It is unavoidable, and it's not a problem. You probably like the patterns, otherwise they wouldn't happen. That being said, even the best patterns can start to feel stale after a few months. So vary your routine. Experiment. Go to new restaurants, try different kinds of dates. See what else you can discover! The routine will still be there, and a little adventure never hurt any relationship.

Tip #3 - Keep Your Independence!

This is a very important bit of new relationship advice. Many women, when they finally get a relationship they excites them, throw away huge parts of their single life. But remember that he was attracted to the single you to begin with. He wants a woman who has a social life beyond him. If you throw away too many of your friendships, it's very easy to become needy, and neediness is never attractive.

Tip #4 - Continue Your Own Growth

Many women are so focused on getting a relationship that when they finally find one, they decide that they have accomplished their goal and stop striving to become the best, most dynamic, most attractive person they can be. But to men, this often feels like the woman taking them for granted. So one crucial piece of new relationship advice is to continue striving to improve yourself. The good news: when you're striving to constantly improve yourself, you are allowed to demand the same of your partner.

None of these bits of new relationship advice are going to be simple to implement, but, of course, if it was easy, everybody would have a happy relationship. You must always strive to be the kind of person you would like to date. Like attracts like, and the more dynamic, confident, sexy, powerful, and energetic you can be, the more you'll find your partner displaying those traits, as well.

How To Kiss a Guy - Three Simple Tips

Are you just starting out with a new guy and nervous about the first physical steps of your relationship? Have a big date coming up but not sure how to kiss a guy? Worried about feeling clumsy or incompetent in something you want to be natural, spontaneous, and wonderful? Read on for some quick tips.

Kissing is one of the first steps on the road to physical intimacy, and it makes a lot of people nervous. So don't worry, you're not alone. Most girls wonder how to kiss a guy before they've done it, but if you keep these tips in mind you'll feel like an expert in no time flat.

Tip #1 - Be Present

When you're on an early date, it's easy for your mind to get ahead of you. There are so many new and exciting possibilities that it's easy to miss what's right in front of you, what's happening in the moment. So a good first step is to slow down. When you first kiss, put all of your attention into it. Let nervous thoughts about the date float away, and just enjoy the experience. Chances are good that if you're enjoying it, he'll enjoy it, too.

Tip #2 - Build Anticipation

The moments leading up to a kiss can often be as thrilling as the kiss itself, so there's no reason to rush. Let the moment unfold and overtake you. Don't be nervous when you feel the potential of the kiss coming, instead, revel in it. This is a moment you've been thinking about for a long time, and it's about to happen, which is a wonderful feeling. You're about to discover how to kiss a guy. Be excited for the process.

Tip #3 - Take it Slow

There are hundreds of different ways to kiss. There are different levels of intensity, different amounts of passion. There are light touches of the lips and full-body electrifiers. In fact, one of the great joys of kissing is experiencing all the different ways there are to do it. But don't rush - each type of kiss has its own unique pleasures, so appreciate it for what it is. Don't think that you know how to kiss a guy just because you had that one kiss. Instead, take your time and explore each one to the fullest, seeing how it makes you feel. Sometimes the lightest kisses are the ones which you feel all the way down to your toes, so spend some time with them.

At the end of the day, everybody likes their kisses a little bit different, so there's no one easy rule about how to kiss a guy. Instead, remember that kissing is about a process, and if you enjoy the process, he'll enjoy it, too. Remember always that kisses are one of the most delightful steps on the road to physical intimacy, and that by taking your time with them you'll discover a lot about what you like. You're beginning a long and wonderful journey. Enjoy it!

How To Keep A Boyfriend - Some Simple Tips

Do you have a new boyfriend and want him to stick around for a while? Have you found yourself wondering how to keep a boyfriend? Do your early dates fizzle out without really going where you want them to? If so, read on.

Most young women struggle with conflicting desires when it comes to a new boyfriend. Our society places so much value on having a boyfriend that its easy to lose track of yourself when you're in the throes of a new relationship. One important thing to remember is that unless a boyfriend keeps you happy, he's not worth keeping. A boyfriend is great to have if he makes your life better. If he doesn't, don't worry about how to keep a boyfriend, focus on getting a better one!

Tip #1 - Communicate Your Needs

No boyfriend worth having will be put off by you expressing what you want. Understand that he won't be able to give you everything you want all the time, but he'll do a better job if he knows what you actually want. Yet many girls are scared of saying what they want for fear that their boyfriend will run away. All lasting relationships are built on solid communication, so say what you want and insist on him doing the same thing.

Tip #2- Maintain your Independence

Lots of guys enjoy the flattering attention when a girl throws away the rest of her social life in favor of her new boyfriend - for a little while. But it becomes stressful in a hurry. It can make your boyfriend feel responsible for your happiness all the time, and while he's probably happy to carry some of the load, he doesn't want to be carrying all of it.

Maintaining your own independence by spending time with your friends and living your life will make it easier to give him the space to maintain his independence. You won't be sitting at home twiddling your thumbs when he's out with his buddies. If you want to know how to keep a boyfriend, this is vitally important. Otherwise, every time he goes out with his friends a little bit of resentment will start to build up.

Tip #3 - Don't Be Needy

Neediness can kill any relationship. You and your boyfriend should view each other's company as a gift - lovely to have, but not something you need. Neediness is the world's worst perfume, and it will send even the best boyfriend running for the hills. He wants you to want him, not to need him.

One thing you might notice about this tips is that how to keep a boyfriend is often about keeping yourself happy and fulfilled. The simple truth is that nobody wants to date somebody who's fundamentally unhappy, so often the best way to keep a boyfriend is to take care of yourself. That puts you in a great shape - you'll be adding value to his life, rather than sucking energy away. And when you're adding value to his life, why would he ever want to leave?

If He Liked Me Would He Ask Me Out Directly? Follow This If You Are Extremely Confused Right Now

There are thousands upon thousands of guys who are still clueless when it comes to the proper way of asking a girl out. This is the very reason why some girls wonder whether or not a guy would ask them out if they already have existing feelings for them. So, would he ask you out? Or not?

Assess his character.

Is he the bold type? If so, then he wouldn't find any trouble in asking you out on a date. But if he's the more reserved or shy type, then it might take time before he can have the courage to go up to you and ask you.

It depends on your availability.

This guy might already be familiar with your time table and so he might think that it would be hard for your schedules to meet. On the slight chance that he gets an opening on your busy schedule, then he could ask you out.

Some might just use non-verbal cues to test the waters.

He could be uncertain on how to approach you due to lack of usable information. So instead of directly asking you out, he might first try to flirt with you. Just be watchful of his non-verbal signals so that you'll be able to respond accordingly.

He could give you presents to win your affection.

Again, if he's the type who can't have the courage to ask out a girl in a jiff, then he'll need other instruments such as presents in order to get to know you. Observe the type of gifts that he likes to give - flowers, chocolates and jewelry confirm that he would very much want to get to know you.

He might have a few conversations with you first.

Some guys are just so afraid of being rejected by the one girl that they absolutely like so they end up not knowing how to proceed. A man might need to have several conversations with you before he can steel himself to finally ask you out. Just make it easy for him by giving him signals of affirmation of your feelings.

He could approach your friends for help.

A shy guy might also want to work his way to your heart by knowing your friends first. Primarily, these are the closest people in your life so they're the best ones that could provide the information that he'll need.

The classic moves.

A guy may offer you a lady's drink, he could ask for the band to play a sweet music and ask you to dance, or he could send some gifts with anonymous greeting cards. These are the signs that this man is having some difficulty in approaching you. If you like the guy, don't make it too hard for him. He might need some push from you just so he could finally ask you out on a date!

7 Tips You Can Easily Master For Confident Male Body Language

Men are usually the aggressor and feel obligated to make the first move in a relationship. Many men are held back by their own self confidence to even look in a womans direction for more than a glance. A mans body language will signal an interest even when he is unaware of it. Learn to display confident male body language and you will feel more confident naturally.

It is a natural instinct of the male to attract a mate and reproduce. There is fierce competition for this position so the male must be prepared to fight to the death. On the other hand, women know they are hunted so they protect themselves and are often much more confident and selective. So when a man is flirting he has the experience that gives him a confidence that is unique to him and his desires.

There are many confident male body language signals that you can learn to easily master. Practice these steps and you will find they actually come quite naturally when you relax.

1. Be calm and composed, even if you really aren't, don't over react to her signals, be calm and smile this will let her know that you are confident and she will naturally follow your lead

2. Move slowly and with confidence, pay attention to how you sit, stand and move in general, showing that you are confident and composed will help her relax. If you act nervous she will pick up on that too.

3. Don't let yourself be hidden by those around you, claim your personal space with your body but, don't be sloppy about it

4. Smile and be friendly

5. When you speak always speak clearly but, changing how loud you are will force her to listen carefully when you are speaking softly and relaxing when you speak louder

6. Don't laugh when you shouldn't or too much

7. Smile when you make eye contact but don't stare

Many of our fears are unfounded and we often hold ourselves back because of them. Have you ever seen a man laughed at or embarrassed for talking to a woman? We only seem to notice the guys that are successful not the ones that aren't. The goal is to seem confident and relaxed, even if you aren't and the more you work to display confident male body language the more natural it will become. Remember that women are nervous too and your goal right now is to create interest and conversation.

What Are Some Smooth Ways of Telling a Man That You Love Him? Here Is How You Should Always Do It

Isn't it just difficult for you - as a woman - to be the one to tell how much you truly love a man? Men just blurt it out yet with women, it's a different game. If you're feeling nervous or anxious, don't fret - those are normal feelings. Here are the most subtle ways that you can make him feel your real feelings:

It's all about the amount of care that you give.

Letting a man know that you have deep feelings for him can take time. It's not proper to just blurt it out. You must first begin by letting him feel that you do care for him and that you treat him differently when compared with other men.

Be there to support him.

Being his support system is one of the most subtle ways of making a man feel your love for him. Be his number one fan, be his strongest pillar when everything about him crumbles.

Talk slightly about love.

You can casually begin a conversation about love. Pretend that you've recently read or bought a book about love and discuss the matter with him. Infuse your real emotions on the conversations as you exchange ideas.

The surest way...

Cook him a great-tasting meal and he'll be weak-kneed! Men just love the very idea of a woman who can cook decent meals for them.

Let him enjoy every second with you.

A man will remember you well and he'll soon get to know your feelings for him if only you could make him extra happy with your company. If all that he remembers is joy, laughter and fun during his moments with you, then you're already subtly and subconsciously making him aware of your love for him.

A warm hug goes a long way.

Get a chance to embrace him and let him feel your burning passion for him as you do so. For instance, if you both see a game of baseball and his favorite team is winning, then you can hug him during a winning moment. This situation warrants a hug and he'll welcome the act. But it would all be different once he feels that there's something else with your embrace...

The note that implies something...

Don't just tuck a love note in his briefcase. Tease his thoughts as you put a note that says "I love being with a special guy such as you." This doesn't confirm your love for him rather it's just affirming that you love being with him. He'll be intrigued by this and watch him beg for the real answer!

Dating Tips for Men - How to Handle Rejection From Women and Not Let It Get to You

Rejection from a woman can end up leaving a pretty nasty mark on a guy's ego. When a guy really feels a strong attraction for a woman, and she ends up rejecting him... it can make a guy feel like a total loser, afraid to even try to get back in the game. What you need to be able to do is to get over rejection from a woman, because anyway that you slice it, it's a part of the deal. Even the guys that seem to never have women problems face a little rejection here and there.

Here are some tips on how to handle rejection and NOT let it get to you:

1. Realize that the more attempts you have, it's only natural that you are going to see a little more rejection.

I had a friend of mine that was totally intimidated by the idea of approaching a woman and trying to pick her up. When I tried to give a little on the spot coaching, his response was that it was so easy for me. Well, I had to laugh. For one, it was not always that way. And one thing I pointed out that surprised him was... I had already been "rejected" at least 6 times that year already. Of course, I was successful many more times than that. The point is, the more attempts that you have, it's inevitable that it's going to happen. The only way to make sure you NEVER get rejected is to sit at home and never approach women.

2. Learn how to reframe the situation in your mind.

One thing that helped me when I first started out was to actually reframe rejection as a GOOD thing. Let me explain. When I would hit a club, I would immediately approach a woman and try to get something started. Well, a lot of times that would mean an instant rejection. And that would be a good thing, to get it out of the way. It made me relax, and be totally in control when I approached the next woman. And the good thing was, sometimes the first woman that I approached did not hand me any cold shoulder, and she would be the one I would take home.

3. Cut down on rejection from women by setting yourself up for success.

One of the major reasons why guys get rejected by women, is that they do not set themselves up for success. If I approach a woman, drop her a line, and then ask for her number or a date or something like that... she is almost guaranteed to say NO to that. If I approach her, use a natural opener, stay just long enough to build up rapport (but not long enough to make her lose any attraction), and then go for the close... the odds are much greater that she will be open for just about anything.

How to Attract Women - 3 Reasons Why Most Guys Have a Hard Time and What You Can Do About It

It's pretty obvious that most guys have a hard time attracting women, especially the kind of women that they really want to date. Most guys don't look forward to getting shot down by beautiful women, but it happens all of the time. And most men end up kind of backing off of even thinking that they can get their dream woman and instead, they look to settle for whatever woman they can find.

Here are 3 common reasons why most guys have a hard time attracting women and what YOU can do about it:

1. Most guys are just too passive when they approach a beautiful woman.

It's touch to try and change your mindset when it comes to how you approach beautiful women, but if you want to make sure that some attraction is there, then you need to be less passive and a little more aggressive and confident. Don't get it twisted and become too aggressive though, because that can be just as bad and sometimes worse than being too passive. You have to turn up the manliness and guess what? Men are not supposed to be the passive ones when it comes to making the approach.

2. Most guys end up shutting down and having NO conversation, OR, they end up babbling TOO much.

Neither extreme is a good thing. When you shut down and have nothing to say, then it looks like you are either timid or you have no social skills. Women dig confidence and they dig guys with social skills. When you babble on too much, it comes across as nervous banter, OR, it will just end up annoying her. Either way, you are not doing the most that you can to make her feel attracted to you. You have to be able to strike a balance and hold a conversation that is entertaining, allows her to participate, and does not have awkward silences.

3. Most guys just don't have a clue on how to attract women.

This is really at the core of most guy's struggles with women. For the most part, men are not really taught any specifics on how to attract women. No one really takes you by the hand and shows you what works and what does not work. Well, if you are never shown the right things, then how do you expect to have any success at all attracting a woman? You need to pick up as much real world experience and knowledge as you can, so that you can go out and have the upper hand when it comes to getting women.

Tips on How to Flirt With Women - 3 Keys to Flirting Effectively With a Woman

It can be an uncomfortable and kind of awkward feeling if you don't know how to flirt with a woman. You are standing there, you want more than anything to make her laugh and smile, and your mind just keeps on drawing blanks. This happens to a lot of guys, so don't assume that you are alone in this. However, most guys don't really DO anything about it, and it causes them to shy away from situations where they have to flirt with a woman.

Here are some tips on how to flirt with women that will have you feeling more confident and get a much better response when flirting with a woman:

1. First of all, keep it light hearted and don't make it seem like it's a big deal to flirt with a woman.

Most of the "pressure" that guys end up feeling in situations where they are flirting with a woman is self inflicted. See, when you don't have a lot of success to recall in your mind, it can be easy to make things out to be a lot more heavy than what they really are. The problem when you do that is, you won't be able to come off as natural and you will also give her a weird vibe, and that will make the whole thing snowball into one of those awkward and uncomfortable situations for the both of you.

2. Concentrate on building rapport with her.

It's easy to flirt with someone that you have a lot of rapport with. When you get that feeling and she does too, then everything just kind of falls into place. Most men are too tied up in thinking that they need some kind of a gimmick or a trick to have success with women, when in reality, you need to build up rapport and make her feel comfortable being with you.

3. When in doubt, tease a woman to make her laugh at herself a little.

Get good at doing this, and flirting will become pretty easy for you. Most men are never going to tease a woman, because they think that it is wrong. Well, it is when you go for the things that she is actually self conscious about. When you tease a woman about little things, things that are not going to make her get all self conscious, it just becomes a fun interaction between you and her.

How Does He Behave Around You If He Is Attracted to You? Here Is What You Should Be Aware Of

You feel that your friend has started acting in a different manner towards you and you have a hunch that he has begun to fall in love with you but are not sure! If you want to know if his feelings for you have undergone a change then watch for the following signs.

He will be nervous around you
Does he act nervous when you are around? Does his self confidence vanish into thin air when you walk into the room? Give him a break and smile at him! It probably just means that he is crazy about you but does not know how to handle the rush of emotions he feels when he sees you. Give him time and sooner or later he will get more confident.

He may act cocky and confident
Sometimes, he can act real cocky and confident when he is around you to hide the butterflies in his stomach every time you are near! Watch him carefully and see if his smile or demeanor is a little too strained to be natural! You can find out for sure by talking directly to him and see if he can keep it up or whether he crumbles under your charm!

He might get tongue tied
If he is the shy type then he will probably get even more nervous when he sees you. He will be tongue tied and will not have a single word to say! The very fact that you are close to him - in flesh and blood - will intimidate him and he will show you how much he really cares for you. Give him time and encourage him and he will get bolder!

You will feel his eyes bore into the back of your head
If you find that his eyes follow you everywhere and he can't help but make eye contact with you - you should know that he is trying to tell you that he is attracted to you. He will take in your clothes, the way you walk, talk and carry yourself etc and everything you do will fascinate him if he is attracted to you.

He will smile at you a lot
You will receive your fair share of smiles from him and more! Every time you look at him be prepared to see that special smile coming your way. He will do his best to break the ice and get friendly. Don't be surprised if he finally walks over to say hello if you have responded with a smile of your own.

He will make silly excuses to come close to you
If he is truly attracted to you, he will do everything in his power to get to know you better. This means that he will take definite steps to become friends and get close. If he is already a friend, don't be surprised to see him grab a seat next to you, or find him at your shoulder just so that he can be close to you.

He will send you signals and vibes to let you know
If you want to really know if he is attracted to you, then try to intercept and decode the messages he will most surely send you. He will ask friends about you; make special gestures like a wink, smile or a nod to let you know that he likes you.

How to Attract a Guy Who Does Not Seem to Care? 7 Tips You Can Use to Make Him Fall for You

If you are in an unfortunate situation where you like a guy but he does not seem to care about you then you will have to pound some sense into his head so that he sees you in new light. He has to realize that he won't find a better girl than you. If you are unsure how to go about this task then read on and find out.

Give him break
As strange as it may sound, this trick usually works. You will have to deliberately let him go. Just make a clean break from calling him or trying to impress him. This will get him thinking of you as he is used to your attention at all times. When a thing is unavailable it becomes more desirable.

Date his best friend
This is one trick that will make him go green. Date his best friend or better still his closest competitor. The moment he realizes that he let go what could have easily been his he will begin kicking himself.

Show him that you are as popular
He may be thinking too high about himself. If you want his attention then you will also have to climb the popularity chart to score a point. When you get popular you will have a lot of male attention and that will get him thinking of you.

Keep working on your looks
You will have to continuously work to get a better body. Your skin, hair and your general appearance will also have to change. He should see a steady transformation in you so that he begins to rue the fact that he let go a wonderful woman.

Act maturely
While you are doing all this do not make it obvious that you are doing all this to spite him. Act mature and confident and show that you are a woman of substance and character. He will now want to be close to you.

Do not act high and mighty
If and when he approaches you do not give him the cold shoulder. Accept his offer of friendship but keep it at that. He will now make desperate attempts to upgrade the friendship to another level.

Act as if you don't care
By now he will have begun to actively woo you. Show your indifference to his moves and carry on as if nothing is happening. After torturing him for a few weeks give him a lift with strings attached.

How to Get a Guy to Continue to Chase You? 7 Things You Should Do to Make This Happen Constantly

A man will continue to chase a woman only when he finds her extremely desirable. Well, by desirable we mean that you need not look like a Barbie doll or a fairy. There are many traits that men find desirable and when they see a woman with these traits they want her in their life. Here is what you need to do so that your guy continues to chase you.

Sexy look
You should be oozing sex appeal. This should happen spontaneously and you need not have to put in any effort. When you are comfortable with the way you look you can concentrate on building up your sex appeal. You first need a great body, skin, hair and an attitude to match.

Maintain a safe distance
When you maintain a distance you become all the more attractive. The forbidden fruit always seems sweeter. You will have to do the disappearing act every once in a while. When you stay away from him he not only gets intrigued but also becomes insecure with the thoughts that you may fall for someone else.

Seduce him subtly
You will have to titillate his senses without appearing easy and sluttish. Highlight your assets and hide your drawbacks when you dress. The way you wear your makeup will also go a long way. Light makeup with clothes to match will do the trick. However, make sure that your neckline is a bit lower and your hemline is slightly higher.

Develop a multifaceted personality
If you take personality development seriously it will help you a lot in your professional as well as love life. When you have an interesting personality guys take you seriously as they know that you are not just a "Pretty young thing" but a woman of substance. This makes them chase you.

Don't give in early
Once you begin to get attention of the guy make sure that you don't give in too early as then your value will drop dramatically. Let him have the privilege of chasing you for some time before you give him a lift.

Talk less and listen to him more
Being a good listener is one quality that will make you stand out from others. When other girls go yak, yak, yakking you be cool and attentive to what your guy and others speak.

Positive vibes
Your guy should feel your energy and positive vibes when he is around you. When he notices that you not only are pretty and level headed, but you also know how to have fun and make others happy he will want you in his life at all costs. This will make him chase you forever.

How to Impress a Man and Get Him to Go Out With You? 7 Tips to Succeed With Men Real Fast

If you secretly like a guy you know and want him in your life then you will surely have to impress him to a point where he feels compelled to ask you out. If you are clueless how to get this done, read on.

Spend some time with him
You will have to spend a lot of quality time with him. By quality we mean time when the two of you are together without interruptions. When you do this make sure that every moment is full of fun and he enjoys your company. The time you spend with him should be exciting and full of laughter.

Flatter him
Compliment him generously for his intelligence and character. It is not a good idea to tell him how handsome he looks as he may have heard it before. When you compliment him on his lesser know qualities he will realize that you have an insight on his true self.

Keep in touch directly and indirectly
You don't want him to think that you are desperate. Therefore do hang out with him but make sure that you do not cling to him in your desperation to impress him. Keep in touch via email, text or by phone. Talk to him sweetly and ask him about his daily routine. However, don't call him every now and then.

Retain your mystery
While you are in the process of wooing him do not divulge everything about yourself. Once he knows everything about you he will not be tempted to ask you out and know you more personally.

Send subtle signals
Do not date anyone else while you are wooing him. He should realize that you are available if he makes a move. By not dating anyone else you will also embolden him to ask you out.

Voice your wish
In a subtle way tell him that you would like to go some place you like. Give him a hint that if he offers to take you, you will gladly go with him. It could be a movie, a play or a book reading session.

Attract him physically
It goes without saying that when you are doing all this you will also have to attract him physically. Dress well; smell even better whenever you are with him. Also make sure that you accessorize appropriately and look stunning. Carry yourself with dignity and impress him and other males around you. Very soon he will ask you out.

How to Extend a Date Into a Meaningful Relationship

A few questions you've probably asked yourself more than once

Have you by now gone on quite a few dates, not been able to extend any of them into a relationship, then continued going on other dates feeling even more disappointed and promised to yourself: "no more" - only to start chatting the next day once again with someone new and making plans to meet, hoping that "this time" it will work?

Have you, after not being successful to develop a meaningful relationship with any of your dates, resorted to telling yourself that you "haven't found the right person yet"? That "all those you've met were lacking something"?

Are you, in spite of all these disappointments, still hoping that "next time it will work"? That "with next date things will develop differently..."? That you will, finally, be able to develop a meaningful relationship?

If you've gone through all these stages, you're not alone. Many do. It is natural to be despaired, to rationalize failures, and yet to hope "for better days to come". Hoping and believing in future success is a motivating force to keep trying.

What having failed until now to cultivating an intimate relationship might say about you?

However, if you've been on so many dates and tried so hard to find a relationship, but in vain, it's time you ask yourself what's going on; what could be the reason for your failure.

* Could it be that, in spite of the many rationalizations and justifications you use the problem lays within you?
* Is it possible that hoping alone won't help you, since why should things be any different next time around?
* Does it mean that you need to actively do something you haven't done before?

The Journey to Self-Awareness

If you seriously wish to meet someone with whom to extend the date into a successful relationship, you need to ask yourself if there's anything that has sabotaged your efforts until now.

Such a question places you on The Journey to Self-Awareness. It forces you to look inwards, observe yourself, and stop finding one and thousand justifications to explain why you haven't yet been successful in developing a relationship until now. The Journey to Self-Awareness leads you to genuinely and honestly understand what's in you - in your attitudes, reactions and behaviors - that make it impossible to develop a meaningful relationship.

As you embark on The Journey to Self-Awareness and gain this understanding, you'll become able to extend a blind date into a meaningful relationship.

The Secret in Setting Goals

In order to achieve everything you want to do, goal setting has a big role. Goals serve you as manual in accomplishing the objective of every project or venture that you will undergo. Your actions and your thoughts will be guided and your resources will be properly allocated.

Goals aid you to focus on your aspiration as you go along the way in accomplishing your end and at the same time help you evaluate the development of your of that objective.

Even when one goes on dating, it would always be better for him/her to set goals first. You don't know what to do and how to get what you desired if you don't set a goal. Many people don't know that there is a secret in setting goals which will be discussed below:

When we talk about dating, there are several kinds of goals you can set for yourself. Like you set the date when you want to meet the right person. Then, you think and set a goal of how you make your dates fun and memorable like going to different restaurants, events or other activities. These things will be done well if you set goals.

When you choose who you want to meet, who you want to be and how you want to grow as a person, all these things even need goal setting which for a fact, one has its own personal goals.

All of us might be agreeable that goal setting is very important. However, one important thing that you will always remember is to detach it from the outcome. I am not saying however that you don't have to be keen and fervent in achieving your goal.

What I want to emphasize is that while you are in the process of achieving your goal, you go with the flow. You have to be flexible. Challenges might come along the, so dance with the music but never allow yourself disrupt from achieving what you desired.

Well, it is just easy to say than to do but if you set goals, you can do it.

How to Keep the Mystery in a Relationship?

During the early exploration of the things that make you want to move closer to your partner is a mystery. Mystery in your partner that makes you wants to know her much anymore. So for you and your spouse want the relationship still excited a good idea to keep the mystery in a sufficient concentration and can make each other crazy.

Keep yourself still withdraw

you should still try to always appear more attractive in front of your partner. Try to look for new ideas to spend time together. And discover the other side of your partner from the new experience. If you feel too comfortable with the situation now, then you will be trapped and afraid to try new things that will eventually lead to boredom.

Trying to make things exciting

you do not have to sit idly by and wait for your partner to create something exciting. Try to create new things to do both.

Do not Become Twins

you do not think that you can change a person when you and your spouse have been married. Because, background, experience, and make your partner's taste more different, than anyone else in this world including yourself.

You would be better to spend your time for a lifetime of mutual respect differences rather than trying to be the same person.

Do not think you can change a person when you and he married. Relationships like that do not apply. Background, experience, and taste make him a different person than anyone else in the world, including you. Even if many say you are both very similar, there would be no difference between you and him. Spend your lifetime for mutual respect for differences rather than trying to be the same person.


Avoid a fight is going to build a mystery, but this way is not good in a relationship. The quarrel is the spice in a marriage that can be a good thing to express the contents of each others thoughts and emotions to make that relationship even better. Do not keep your own emotions as you and your spouse is not a mind reader. It will not be possible you and your spouse can each know the contents of individual minds, if not disclosed. There is only one condition in revealing the contents of the mind are not revealing the words on purpose to hurt your partner.

Do not Lie

Mysteries can also mean to hold something? But the lie, deceive or cover up something that is important to know your partner is not a good thing, it can even damage the relationship and attraction to one another. Openness and honesty is an important thing in a relationship.

Sharing with your partner

we recommend that you and your partner are always sharing things important. Words that say marriage is a 50-50 approach, but the truth is a sharing relationship 100-100. Deepening the relationship very closely related to the deepening of knowledge between you and your spouse. Your partner should be one of the closest and most familiar with you. And your spouse is your place to share emotions and thoughts, because it will build a more complex attachment and dependence you with your spouse over time.

Signs You're Too Clingy - Relationship Advice for Women

One of the very worst things any man can ever say to us is that we're too clingy. It stings to hear that. It's also confusing. We may recognize the fact that we're a tad bit too possessive but when you totally love a man, it's hard not to be. But when does it cross over the line from wanting to be very close to him to being too clingy? There are some signs that being clingy is damaging the relationship.

One of the signs you're too clingy is you contact your man more than once or twice a day. Even in married or committed relationships, a couple doesn't often talk on the phone or email more than that. If you're dating a guy and you have a constant need to talk to him, that's a sure sign that you may be too clingy. That's even more pronounced if you're the one doing all the calling or you send the majority of the text messages. Less is always more when it comes to contact with your guy.

Do you ask your man a lot of questions about what went on during his day? It's obviously important to have an interest in what the person we love is doing, but it can subtly turn from interest to obsession. If you're asking questions about things like what he ate for lunch or who he talked on the phone to, that's edging into clingy territory. You may view this type of behavior as a desire to be close to the man you love. He likely sees it as akin to being stalked.

When you fish for him to tell you he loves you, that's another sign that you may be holding onto him too tightly. Men aren't always as open with letting us know how they feel. They tend to pace themselves when it comes to sharing their feelings so he may not say he loves you or cares for you as often as you'd like. If you find that you're asking him if he does frequently, he probably views you as being too clingy.

Jealousy is another of the signs you're too clingy and you need to adjust things a bit. Obviously, if you feel that your boyfriend is devoting too much of his attention to another woman you're going to feel envious of that. If that woman is just a co worker or a platonic friend, you have to learn how to temper your feelings of jealousy. Not wanting him to spend time with any other woman isn't healthy for the relationship and he'll view it as not only you being clingy but also you being insecure.

If you recognize any of these signs in your own relationship it's definitely time to take stock of your behavior. Being too clingy is destructive and you may come to realize that the man you are trying so desperately to hold onto to is leaving you because he feels smothered.

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