Flirting With Women - Four Tools to Make Her Brag About You All the Time to Her Friends

Flirting with women is the first thing that will lead them to be attracted to you. If you don't know how to flirt, you are simply noise to them. Use these four wonderful tools to make her talk big all the time about you and feel lucky to having met you.
It's true, if you don't know how to flirt with a woman, you are just a stranger to her. You will be forgotten the minute you walk away.
This is why you have to learn how to flirt correctly with a woman; your success depends on it.
- The first tool that will help you with flirting with women is: take the lead
This is not a flirting tool, but if you start opening your mouth without being a leader to her, she will feel uneasiness with you and won't consider you worthy of her.
You have to know how to lead women and how to make them feel at ease when they are with you.
This is achieved through always taking care of them.
I don't mean catering them, what I'm saying is that you have to take responsibility of a woman, whenever there is a decision to make, it's up to you and not her.
Whenever you are talking to her, you direct the conversation.
Don't wait for her to do it; it's your natural role as a man.
- The second tool is: stay away from already used materials
This is one of the most essential advices I'm going to give you about flitting with women.
So many guys fall for this.
They like a girl, so they start thinking and asking about things to say to her.
Next thing they do is connect to the internet and copy some pickup lines or "funny" stories...
You have to know that you aren't the first guy she will be meeting and if you start telling her stuff that another man has told her, you will sound so fake and horrible to her.
Don't fall for this; anything of your own is a million times more interesting to a woman than something she has heard a dozen times.
- The third tool is: know how to make her laugh.
You can't attract a woman if you don't know how to make her laugh.
By laughing, I don't mean you doing the clown for her or telling her internet jokes.
What I'm referring too is "sexy laugh", in other words, laughter which will lead to attraction.
You do this by teasing women and being bold about it.
It may look hurtful, but women appreciate it enormously.
For example, if she looked at you, you can tell her that you don't like the "way" she is looking at you and that she just considers you a piece of meat with no feelings...
Be playful and bold at the same time and pay great deal of attention to your body language and facial expressions.
- The fourth tool is: the killer compliment.
This is absolutely the best way to make a woman think about you all the time.
Try to notice a really nice characteristic about her that she may not know about.
She is neat.
She is generous.
She is funny.
She helped an old woman immediately.
Then behave seriously, look her right in the eyes and tell her:
"There is something I want to tell you. I've noticed that you........, I'm such a lucky guy tonight, you are truly a....."
Don't overdo it!
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