How to Show a Girl You Like Her - Two Efficient Techniques

Do you know how to show a girl you like her? Most guys are simply using old stupid method that really make the girl disgusted. Do you use some of these methods?
How to show a girl you like her? This can be very tricky to most guys.
The real problem is that nearly all men don't know how to show their liking to a girl.
They use old nasty tricks that will lead them only one way, out.
You have to know that what you saw on movies and TV isn't working at all with women.
It may be true that women will confess that they love these kinds of behaviors, but the truth is women don't appreciate them at all.
First of all, how not to show a girl you like her.
There are nearly unlimited resources on how to make yourself noticeable to a girl and show her that you like her, but the truth is that nearly none of these guides will ever work.
She may smile or "like" it, but in reality, she has lost all attraction for you.
The biggest mistake is showing her that you love her trough buying her gifts, flowers....
This is what TV and magazines have advised men to do for a very long time, I don't know why!
It doesn't work at all.
She will feel one thing if you did it, anger.
The second thing most guys will do is using dinner, candles, cards, poems...
This doesn't work either, all she will feel when you do it is nausea.
So, how to tell her you like her?
- First, you can tell a girl you like her by being a true man.
This is absolutely the best way to tell a woman that you like her.
What do I mean by being a man?
It's to be in charge.
To make the woman feel safe and being taking care of by you.
You have to lead a woman and decide for her if you want her to feel you truly like her.
A Woman can tell instantly that a man like her when he starts taking care of her and leading her.
You have to let her feel at ease when she is around you.
If you are in a restaurant, ask her what she would like to order and order for her.
If she is talking to you, listen to her and empathize with her.
- Another great way of showing a girl you like her is through the use of humor.
Have you ever seen a loving couple?
What's the man doing?
He is constantly making her laugh and teasing the woman.
No kisses or sweet words.
Laughter is the second biggest sign to a woman that she is liked.
Whenever you are making her laugh, she will be thinking at the back of her mind that you really like her and like being around her.
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