How to Meet Girls - Places to Meet Your Dream Girl

Do you know how to meet girls? If you can't meet girls, you have no dating life. Find out how to meet great girls and the places they will be available with no competition.
Meeting girls is the first step you have to do to find a great mate for you.
However, there is a very dangerous mistake that most guys will fall into.
They think that great girls can be met everywhere.
This is totally false.
All places aren't equal to the quality of girls there are in them.
The first thing you have to bear in mind is there are some places to stay away from.
The most notorious place to meet girls isn't really the best.
Many guys have told me that they can meet truly great girls in clubs.
I've tried and it was a great way to train my abilities with women, but the bad news is that most girls are either drunk or too stoned.
Clubs are a no when it comes to meeting girls, there is a great amount of competition, plus most girls wouldn't remember your name the next day.
Another bad place to meet girls is speed dating.
It may sound like a good idea, but from what I could observe, most women there are too desperate.
Now, where can you meet great girls?
- The first place I'm going to recommend is a friend's party.
This is one of my most favorite places to meet girls. Especially if your friend is a classy guy who has lots of great friends.
The great thing about it is that girls really go to a party having in mind to meet new guys, whereas is a club; they go to get free drinks and to have a fun time. Try to be there very early and ask your friend or another host to introduce you to hot girls.
You won't have to do any approaching, just chat a little and excuse yourself, then ask for their numbers.
Don't forget to be highly groomed and wear some great clothes.
- The second place is a yoga class
This will sound so gay to most guys, but you have to keep in mind that in a yoga class, the ratio is five guys to twenty five girls. Sport is a great stimulator, it gets women in a great mood, and the secretion of endorphin makes women really friendly and happy.
It can be expensive, but you will have a great cardiovascular training and great chances to meeting hot, pleasant girls.
- The third place is, it's not really a place: through a female friend
This is the best way to find truly amazing girls.
Simply ask a female friends to introduce you to some hot friends she has.
Chances are that her friends are looking for a great guy too and they have been bothering her.
Women love to be match makers, enjoy this and let her find you a wonderful girl.
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