How to Attract Women Tips - Lethal Mistakes You Will Do

How to attract women tips are all over the internet. Are they true? Most are dumb assumptions. Have you ever done one of these mistakes with a woman before?
It can be tremendously painful to most guys.
Attracting women is truly a difficult task if you don't know what you are doing and the biggest problem is that most guys simply don't know what to do to attract women.
You see them in clubs stalking women or worse making a circle around them.
I've seen it before, it's pathetic.
Guys should really learn how to attract women.
These are some of the worst mistakes you could do with a woman that will lead you directly to being flushed away of her life:
- The first mistake is ask her to be your girlfriend
It's not true; most guys aren't looking for one night stands or to become the best "pick up artist".
What most guys are looking for when trying to meet women is to find that special someone whom they will love and respect.
The only problem with this idea is that nearly all guys don't know what to do to get into a long term relationship with that special girl, worse; they will jump on any occasion to make it "official" with her.
This is absolutely terrible when it comes to attraction and women fear these kinds of "official" statues that certain guys want to impose on them.
A woman will find you very insecure if you started asking her from the fifth date to become your girlfriend.
She will be scared to death of you and will do whatever possible to stay away from you.
- The second mistake is making future planes with her
This is a bit similar to the first mistake.
A guy will like a girl very much and will start having day dreams about them being together and doing certain activities.
So when he meets her, he will try to convince her to come with him to a party or the beach...
Trust me, women won't like it.
It may seem contradictory:
You want to meet her, yet you shouldn't make future plans with her?
It's true.
If you are interested in meeting her in the future, let her enjoy the date with you and when you said bye to her, go to your home and rest for some days, then take the phone and ask her to go out with you to wherever you want to go.
This way, you don't sound very needy and insecure and she will have missed you and missed the fun moments she has passed with you.
- The third mistake is ignoring yourself.
Just because you are seeing her doesn't mean that you have to forget about yourself, friends, family, needs....
This is a big mistake done by most guys.
She will set a time and he will accept immediately even if he was planning on doing other activities.
Why don't you tell her when she made plans for the future that you will be busy doing something interesting with a friend. You will appear as having a life and she will see you as an independent mature guy.
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