Seducing Women - How to Get Women to Have Day Dreams About You

Seducing women isn't that difficult. You only have to follow these great techniques and women will start day dreaming about you. It can seem very difficult, but in reality it's just another skill you will have to master. It's like using a bike for the first time, it's so tricky and complex, but with time it gets easier and fun. Seducing women is the same thing.
You need only time and these great techniques:
- Technique number one is you have to use chivalry to seduce women
What do I mean by chivalry? It's simply to open doors for women. To help them get out of the car. To pull chairs for them. To hold her hand while crossing the street. In other words, it's to be gallant with women. For a woman, a chivalrous man is a dream come true. What do little girls dream about? That they will grow up and meet prince charming. Well, this is the same dream for even big girls. Women fantasize day and night about meeting their prince charming, who is going to take the lead, defend her... This is the reason why women buy so many romance novels. They want to live this fantasy.
- The second technique is be a great story teller
If you want to impress a girl and make her chase you, you have to know how to tell great stories. Everything can become a true excitement to a woman if you know how to tell a story. This is one of the biggest excitements for women; they love to hear great story. Whatever the kind or the content, the way a story is told is the most important. It can be the most boring story, but if told in an exciting way, it can be a true gift for the woman. How do you tell a story? You have to focus mainly on the details, the colors and the characters actions and reactions. Bear in mind that women aren't excited as men by the action; they are excited by the feelings. So, focus all the time about describing the feelings and emotions to the women. She won't be impressed, she will be speechless.
- The third technique is be fun
Besides knowing how to tell a great story, you should also focus on becoming very fun. I don't mean funny, I wrote "fun". By fun, I mean the activities you do when you are with a woman. A fun person will take a woman to a park and tell her about its story, why it was build and the guys who build it. A not so fun person will take her to the park and eat. Always involve the woman in the activity you are doing with her. Try to give her pleasure by being with you.
great tips! I'm going to share this to my friends.
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