How to Win Over a Strong-Willed Man? Here Is the Set of Tips You Need to Tackle Such a Guy

If you feel that the man you're going out with is someone that is not easily swayed into your way of thinking, then you might think that he'll overwhelm you in the long run. Feeling helpless is one thing that a woman wouldn't want to feel and so, if you don't want to experience having to say yes to this strong-willed man's every whim, here are 7 tips that you need to follow:
Have lots and lots (and lots more) of patience.
Locking horns with him won't do you any good. The trick here is to have an ample amount of patience, to be loving, and gentle. Being so, he might just be encouraged to lessen his headstrongness.
Hear him out before passing your judgment.
Being too critical or judgmental isn't the way to handle him. A strong-willed man who's painted into a corner will always retaliate, he'd be on the defense at all time, and his stubbornness will be doubled. If you just change your ways into gentler persuasion, then you might just see him bend his own rules just to accommodate your wishes.
Capitalize on what he likes.
This man could be a sucker for chicks who are adventurous, so be more outgoing and fun. Go outdoors, explore. He'll be much more pliable if you satisfy him and most of his wants.
Coax him to work together with you.
The more things that you agree on, the more that he'd want to listen and work hand in hand with you. Just like a puppy, make sure that you reward your man each time he's behaved well. You can further encourage him to keep up the good work by doing a special favor for him each time he accomplishes something for you - a nice, long massage perhaps.
Use your feminine charms.
No man can resist a woman who's using her appeal to win him over. Men can be easily captivated, excited or thrilled with the very thought of a woman who seduces him.
This is one game that you both can't play.
He's a strong-willed man so there's no way that you can be like him and still get to have a harmonious relationship. Keep in mind that you have to be submissive when he's ravaging and let him know that when it's you who's mad at something, he should also be ready to keep mum. Have this kind of agreement and you'll have a lasting union.
Always be the master of your emotions.
The moment you let your emotion get the better of you, then you're done for. This man will never be pleased with any display of emotional weakness such as nagging, clinging or crying. You have to be in control of your feelings all the time so that you would be able to calmly discuss with him - anything less is just not acceptable.