What Are the First Things Guys Notice About Girls! Here Are the Things Men Focus on the Most

The popular women get to snag the best men in town - and this isn't without a good reason. They're the ones who get the best because they know how to make men notice them. So how, exactly, should you look, behave, or even smell, just so a man would look at your direction?
Physical things first.
This may make men seem shallow but, well, that's the reality. Men are physical beings and it would be but natural for them to look at the physical traits of a woman first before he sees anything else. He'll notice your beautiful face, then his gaze will move down your bosom, down to your midsection, your hips, and those long legs - he just won't be able to help it.
Get out of your shell.
If you're nothing but shy, then there is a very slim chance that a man would be attracted to you. If you go out there and mingle with other people, you just might get noticed by the very guy that you've been eyeing. Of course, he'll need to know that you exist before he can make his move, right?
Speak with eloquence...
...and many guys will be drawn to you. Be able to discuss issues intelligently and answer questions with wittiness. Have an opinion of your own and don't be afraid to share it.
Always be behind the veil of mystery.
Guys love to chase and the mere mention of something mysterious or fascinating just excites them. So don't offer as many information about you on your first meeting. Make him crave for more by giving only a small portion each time.
Be the epitome of a lady.
You are a woman so, in all aspects of the word, you should behave like one! This doesn't mean being helpless. A lady is someone who acts with grace and poise but who can also readily take care of herself when the need calls for it.
A fun-loving you.
A man's head would always turn towards the woman who knows how to enjoy each moment that is given to her. All people have problems but it's a matter of taking charge and not letting these issues bug you that would make the difference. If you want to get noticed, then you have to have a genuine smile plastered on that beautiful face of yours.
Present the true you to the world.
There's no point in him noticing you if all he's seeing is a lie. He'll only end up being hurt in the end so it would be best to show him who you truly are from the very beginning. Let this man love you for the real you. Just believe that you have it in you to make him look your way and that would surely come true.
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