Dating Tips for Men - How to Handle Rejection From Women and Not Let It Get to You

Rejection from a woman can end up leaving a pretty nasty mark on a guy's ego. When a guy really feels a strong attraction for a woman, and she ends up rejecting him... it can make a guy feel like a total loser, afraid to even try to get back in the game. What you need to be able to do is to get over rejection from a woman, because anyway that you slice it, it's a part of the deal. Even the guys that seem to never have women problems face a little rejection here and there.
Here are some tips on how to handle rejection and NOT let it get to you:
1. Realize that the more attempts you have, it's only natural that you are going to see a little more rejection.
I had a friend of mine that was totally intimidated by the idea of approaching a woman and trying to pick her up. When I tried to give a little on the spot coaching, his response was that it was so easy for me. Well, I had to laugh. For one, it was not always that way. And one thing I pointed out that surprised him was... I had already been "rejected" at least 6 times that year already. Of course, I was successful many more times than that. The point is, the more attempts that you have, it's inevitable that it's going to happen. The only way to make sure you NEVER get rejected is to sit at home and never approach women.
2. Learn how to reframe the situation in your mind.
One thing that helped me when I first started out was to actually reframe rejection as a GOOD thing. Let me explain. When I would hit a club, I would immediately approach a woman and try to get something started. Well, a lot of times that would mean an instant rejection. And that would be a good thing, to get it out of the way. It made me relax, and be totally in control when I approached the next woman. And the good thing was, sometimes the first woman that I approached did not hand me any cold shoulder, and she would be the one I would take home.
3. Cut down on rejection from women by setting yourself up for success.
One of the major reasons why guys get rejected by women, is that they do not set themselves up for success. If I approach a woman, drop her a line, and then ask for her number or a date or something like that... she is almost guaranteed to say NO to that. If I approach her, use a natural opener, stay just long enough to build up rapport (but not long enough to make her lose any attraction), and then go for the close... the odds are much greater that she will be open for just about anything.
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