How Does He Behave Around You If He Is Attracted to You? Here Is What You Should Be Aware Of

You feel that your friend has started acting in a different manner towards you and you have a hunch that he has begun to fall in love with you but are not sure! If you want to know if his feelings for you have undergone a change then watch for the following signs.
He will be nervous around you
Does he act nervous when you are around? Does his self confidence vanish into thin air when you walk into the room? Give him a break and smile at him! It probably just means that he is crazy about you but does not know how to handle the rush of emotions he feels when he sees you. Give him time and sooner or later he will get more confident.
He may act cocky and confident
Sometimes, he can act real cocky and confident when he is around you to hide the butterflies in his stomach every time you are near! Watch him carefully and see if his smile or demeanor is a little too strained to be natural! You can find out for sure by talking directly to him and see if he can keep it up or whether he crumbles under your charm!
He might get tongue tied
If he is the shy type then he will probably get even more nervous when he sees you. He will be tongue tied and will not have a single word to say! The very fact that you are close to him - in flesh and blood - will intimidate him and he will show you how much he really cares for you. Give him time and encourage him and he will get bolder!
You will feel his eyes bore into the back of your head
If you find that his eyes follow you everywhere and he can't help but make eye contact with you - you should know that he is trying to tell you that he is attracted to you. He will take in your clothes, the way you walk, talk and carry yourself etc and everything you do will fascinate him if he is attracted to you.
He will smile at you a lot
You will receive your fair share of smiles from him and more! Every time you look at him be prepared to see that special smile coming your way. He will do his best to break the ice and get friendly. Don't be surprised if he finally walks over to say hello if you have responded with a smile of your own.
He will make silly excuses to come close to you
If he is truly attracted to you, he will do everything in his power to get to know you better. This means that he will take definite steps to become friends and get close. If he is already a friend, don't be surprised to see him grab a seat next to you, or find him at your shoulder just so that he can be close to you.
He will send you signals and vibes to let you know
If you want to really know if he is attracted to you, then try to intercept and decode the messages he will most surely send you. He will ask friends about you; make special gestures like a wink, smile or a nod to let you know that he likes you.
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