How to Extend a Date Into a Meaningful Relationship

A few questions you've probably asked yourself more than once
Have you by now gone on quite a few dates, not been able to extend any of them into a relationship, then continued going on other dates feeling even more disappointed and promised to yourself: "no more" - only to start chatting the next day once again with someone new and making plans to meet, hoping that "this time" it will work?
Have you, after not being successful to develop a meaningful relationship with any of your dates, resorted to telling yourself that you "haven't found the right person yet"? That "all those you've met were lacking something"?
Are you, in spite of all these disappointments, still hoping that "next time it will work"? That "with next date things will develop differently..."? That you will, finally, be able to develop a meaningful relationship?
If you've gone through all these stages, you're not alone. Many do. It is natural to be despaired, to rationalize failures, and yet to hope "for better days to come". Hoping and believing in future success is a motivating force to keep trying.
What having failed until now to cultivating an intimate relationship might say about you?
However, if you've been on so many dates and tried so hard to find a relationship, but in vain, it's time you ask yourself what's going on; what could be the reason for your failure.
* Could it be that, in spite of the many rationalizations and justifications you use the problem lays within you?
* Is it possible that hoping alone won't help you, since why should things be any different next time around?
* Does it mean that you need to actively do something you haven't done before?
The Journey to Self-Awareness
If you seriously wish to meet someone with whom to extend the date into a successful relationship, you need to ask yourself if there's anything that has sabotaged your efforts until now.
Such a question places you on The Journey to Self-Awareness. It forces you to look inwards, observe yourself, and stop finding one and thousand justifications to explain why you haven't yet been successful in developing a relationship until now. The Journey to Self-Awareness leads you to genuinely and honestly understand what's in you - in your attitudes, reactions and behaviors - that make it impossible to develop a meaningful relationship.
As you embark on The Journey to Self-Awareness and gain this understanding, you'll become able to extend a blind date into a meaningful relationship.
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