How To Keep A Boyfriend - Some Simple Tips

Do you have a new boyfriend and want him to stick around for a while? Have you found yourself wondering how to keep a boyfriend? Do your early dates fizzle out without really going where you want them to? If so, read on.
Most young women struggle with conflicting desires when it comes to a new boyfriend. Our society places so much value on having a boyfriend that its easy to lose track of yourself when you're in the throes of a new relationship. One important thing to remember is that unless a boyfriend keeps you happy, he's not worth keeping. A boyfriend is great to have if he makes your life better. If he doesn't, don't worry about how to keep a boyfriend, focus on getting a better one!
Tip #1 - Communicate Your Needs
No boyfriend worth having will be put off by you expressing what you want. Understand that he won't be able to give you everything you want all the time, but he'll do a better job if he knows what you actually want. Yet many girls are scared of saying what they want for fear that their boyfriend will run away. All lasting relationships are built on solid communication, so say what you want and insist on him doing the same thing.
Tip #2- Maintain your Independence
Lots of guys enjoy the flattering attention when a girl throws away the rest of her social life in favor of her new boyfriend - for a little while. But it becomes stressful in a hurry. It can make your boyfriend feel responsible for your happiness all the time, and while he's probably happy to carry some of the load, he doesn't want to be carrying all of it.
Maintaining your own independence by spending time with your friends and living your life will make it easier to give him the space to maintain his independence. You won't be sitting at home twiddling your thumbs when he's out with his buddies. If you want to know how to keep a boyfriend, this is vitally important. Otherwise, every time he goes out with his friends a little bit of resentment will start to build up.
Tip #3 - Don't Be Needy
Neediness can kill any relationship. You and your boyfriend should view each other's company as a gift - lovely to have, but not something you need. Neediness is the world's worst perfume, and it will send even the best boyfriend running for the hills. He wants you to want him, not to need him.
One thing you might notice about this tips is that how to keep a boyfriend is often about keeping yourself happy and fulfilled. The simple truth is that nobody wants to date somebody who's fundamentally unhappy, so often the best way to keep a boyfriend is to take care of yourself. That puts you in a great shape - you'll be adding value to his life, rather than sucking energy away. And when you're adding value to his life, why would he ever want to leave?
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