How Do I Make Sure That a Man Never Mistreats Me? Follow This If You Want Respect All the Time

Respect, as they always say, should be earned. There's just no way that you can impose to anyone that you should be respected. It may take some time for your man to esteem you highly, the road towards being respected could get tricky but it's not impossible.
Begin by establishing what your worth is.
In fact, it's really up to you whether you get respected or not. The way you look at yourself would radiate to other people. And so, if you look at yourself poorly, then don't expect that other people will put you high up on a pedestal.
Be the unique woman that you are.
You should be a woman who knows exact what she wants and has a strong will to pursue it. Men don't like to be the ones who always make the choices for the woman in their lives - sure it can be sweet at first but it can get taxing in the long run.
Mean what you say.
So if you said yes, make sure that you really wanted to say yes and that you're not just being agreeable. If you want to blatantly say no, then by all means, say NO. If your man gets used to you saying yes all the time, then be prepared to have a man who can get away with whatever he wants.
Love and respect yourself first.
Don't expect to be respected if you don't even know how to respect yourself, too. Believe that you're a worthy person and that no man should treat you less than who you truly are. Don't let the world's standard make you feel insecure about yourself. All the fashion magazines in the world might not embrace big-boned women but if you are one, be proud of it!
Heighten your self-esteem by engaging in worthwhile activities.
If you're not that good at culinary arts, then it's never too late to learn. Explore all the possible activities or hobbies that you can develop which can give you more self-confidence. A guy would not only respect you for being such an achiever, you'll also be highly admired.
Have your own social circle.
Don't let your man become the focal point of your universe. Imagine what will happen to you if he decides that you're not meant for each other? What then? Let other people into your life and busy yourself by being around your many friends. Your man will learn to respect your schedule (and you) once he learns that he's not the sole person in your life.
Live up to a good reputation.
Never get drunk in pubs and be found drooling because of drunkenness. It would be hard to restore a good reputation the moment you become untidy, odorous, or rowdy in front of other people. So don't just look good, be truly good and you'll get the respect that you deserve.
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