7 Tips You Can Easily Master For Confident Male Body Language

Men are usually the aggressor and feel obligated to make the first move in a relationship. Many men are held back by their own self confidence to even look in a womans direction for more than a glance. A mans body language will signal an interest even when he is unaware of it. Learn to display confident male body language and you will feel more confident naturally.
It is a natural instinct of the male to attract a mate and reproduce. There is fierce competition for this position so the male must be prepared to fight to the death. On the other hand, women know they are hunted so they protect themselves and are often much more confident and selective. So when a man is flirting he has the experience that gives him a confidence that is unique to him and his desires.
There are many confident male body language signals that you can learn to easily master. Practice these steps and you will find they actually come quite naturally when you relax.
1. Be calm and composed, even if you really aren't, don't over react to her signals, be calm and smile this will let her know that you are confident and she will naturally follow your lead
2. Move slowly and with confidence, pay attention to how you sit, stand and move in general, showing that you are confident and composed will help her relax. If you act nervous she will pick up on that too.
3. Don't let yourself be hidden by those around you, claim your personal space with your body but, don't be sloppy about it
4. Smile and be friendly
5. When you speak always speak clearly but, changing how loud you are will force her to listen carefully when you are speaking softly and relaxing when you speak louder
6. Don't laugh when you shouldn't or too much
7. Smile when you make eye contact but don't stare
Many of our fears are unfounded and we often hold ourselves back because of them. Have you ever seen a man laughed at or embarrassed for talking to a woman? We only seem to notice the guys that are successful not the ones that aren't. The goal is to seem confident and relaxed, even if you aren't and the more you work to display confident male body language the more natural it will become. Remember that women are nervous too and your goal right now is to create interest and conversation.
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