3 Simple Tips to Help You Stop a Break Up

You've hit a tough time in your relationship. Things haven't been going so well between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend and it's really starting to show. You've been arguing a lot and being more and more critical of your significant other, and you just don't seem to want to spend as much time around them any more.
You know it, but you don't want to admit that you're headed for a break up. You also know that this happens to people every day and you probably shouldn't be worried about it, but this is different. You really care about this other person and want to make it work. You want this relationship to make it, because you really care about them. But, there's a small problem.
You don't know what to do to stop a break up. You've seen lots of couples completely fall apart even though they said they tried to stay together. Can anyone really stop a break up, or are you just going to be another couple that "gave it a go" and ended up broken hearted and lonely.
Or are you willing to take a few simple tips and help stop a break up from happening in your relationship?
If you're willing and ready to take some action and really believe that this relationship is worth saving, then take these 3 simple tips that I'm going to share with you and put them to work.
Stop a Break Up Tip #1 - Have a Real Conversation. I hear what you're saying now, "We talk all the time!" I'm sure that you do, but when was the last time you actually had a "real" conversation, not just chit chat about your day, what happened at work, or any other topic that really doesn't matter. Sit down with your boyfriend or girlfriend and talk about the problems you've been having. It really is OK to have a serious conversation with the person you love, especially when you're trying to stop a break up. Spend some time talking with each other about how you feel and what's been going on up to this point. You may find some revealing answers.
Stop a Break Up Tip #2 - Listen to Their Concerns. Once you've started a conversation, be ready and willing to listen to what the other person has to say. Listen like it's the only thing that's going to keep the two of you together, because it may very well be. Don't just listen to the words they say, listen to the deeper meaning of what they're saying. This is the person you love, so you need to get past the superficial and get into the deeper parts of their emotions to really understand them. Listen, and be ready to act.
Stop a Break Up Tip #3 - Offer a compromise. Now that you've had that great conversation and have listened to your partner, be ready to take action. If something you've done or do on a regular basis is causing problems, be ready to change. You don't have to change completely, but relationships really are about give and take, which means you may have to give up something or change your ways. And if you're really dedicated to seeing this relationship last, you'll need to be committed to doing what it takes.
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