Relationships Dating Guide - Women Looking for Men - Attraction Using the "Art of Flirtation"!

What kind of relationship do you want to attract? Women looking for men? Or men looking for women? This relationships dating guide will give you some good positive tips on how to attract the relationship you want into your life. We attract people into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
Would you like to attract a sexy fling? (A reason); A good-time guy? (A season); or an intimate life partner? (A lifetime). The first step is to become clear on what type of relationship you desire, and then re-create yourself in a fashion that will allow your desire to make its appearance into your experience. Clear & Ready? It's time to set your attraction to action!
Everything in our universe is based upon energy (thoughts, matter and every living organism - including people) and is also in a constant state of vibration. Attraction is based upon this scientific principle, and we will demonstrate how you can become in vibrational alignment (attract) what it is that you desire in your life. People find themselves in places where there are others of a similar vibration, because they are also projecting similar thoughts & energy.
At the deepest level, your point of attraction is your current emotional state. Being happy & confident is the best signal you can send! Start thinking thoughts that are aligned to the type of person you want to attract. How would the type of person you are seeking most likely think? Our heart chakra (energy center) is the physical place where we project and receive the signals from our environment. Wearing a Rose Quartz Crystal over that area will harmonize & focus the energy & intention you are sending.
Use the "Art of Flirtation" to quickly engage the person you'd like to get closer to. Whether you're sitting or standing, have your feet pointing in his or her direction (body language cue for where you'd really like to be.) After you catch the first glimpse of the object of your attraction, look right past them (like you're just looking around), and after you've turned your head a few degrees past them, quickly turn and attempt to make direct eye contact with them.
Hold the gaze for three seconds longer than he does, and slowly begin to form a warm smile. The moment they look away is your cue! If you're a woman, then allow him the opportunity to pursue you first. If he appears to be extremely shy, it's perfectly ok for you to pursue him - do so in a slow, fluid and sensual manner. Strut your stuff in his direction.
If you're a man going after an attractive woman, then you need to strut your stuff right up to them! Don't hesitate, it shows a lack of confidence and kills the moment for women. Talk about anything that just happened to you on the way there, anything interesting you just saw, or even what they are looking at. Ask them if they really like the environment (wherever you are) and let them know that you are liking it even more now! (That they are there!)
I hope this gives you a few positive pointers in how to attract and approach a person that you're interested in. Always having something to say makes all the difference. It doesn't matter so much what you say, rather that you do say it.
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