How to Show Your Crush You Like Him in a Non Scary Way? This Is How You Should Do It

It's very natural when you have a crush on someone you want him to know that you like him. But how does he know it unless you make it known to him? Without having to say it in as many words you can study some of the ways to help you show your crush that you like him.
Pay him attention
Whenever he's around pay him attention even though there are others around in the same company. He will notice you and that you are directing attention towards him. That will draw his attention to you and he will realize that more is involved.
Include him with the group you hang out in
If there are group activities which you join then include your crush. He will see that you are making a special effort to include him though he does not know the others. He will soon gel with your crowd and that way also know you like him.
Invite your crush home sometime
When you show your crush that you'd like to introduce him to your folks then he'll realize that you like him somewhere down the line. Why else would you want to introduce him to your folks if you didn't have a crush on him.
Take him along to your invites
Take your crush along with you when you're invited to a party or dance or whatever else and tell him you would like to have him accompany you. The fact that you are inviting him will tell him that you like him and are keen to know him better.
Ask him more about himself
When you begin to show interest in him and ask him more and more about himself then he will begin to realize that there is more to the story than just being acquaintances.
Show genuine interest in what he has to say and appreciate him.
Let him see that you're the gal for him
When you tell him about yourself and he knows about your interests and activities he'll develop a genuine interest in you too. He will know that you have a crush on him and like him or else why would you want to tell him about your self.
Lastly, maneuver him to asking you out
Inform him about some excellent place where some exotic food is served or a place that you had visited. Suggest that he too visit that place. That would be hint enough to him to ask you out on a special dinner date. The approach should be such that he gets the message that you like him and yet you do not have to tell him as much.
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