5 Worst Ways to Propose

For one thing, and let's just get this element right out there, you should probably go to the limit on the engagement ring. It's WAY more vital than the wedding ring and I'll tell you why, it's even harder to get a "yes" than it is to get an "I do". And besides, first impressions are really every thing, so make the 1st ring you purchase for your beloved a complete rock star of a ring, and really do not be cheap. Having said that, here's my splendid list of the five most awful ways to propose to your loved one. This list is based on internet based study, not first hand knowledge:
5 WORST WAYS TO PROPOSE (in accordance with the World-wide-web)
1.Via Text: "U R hot! MRY ME! It'll B Gr8"
2.Via Twitter: Because never-ending love and dedication is challenging to convey in 140 characters or less.
3.Putting the ring In food. It's just a genuinely weird thing to try to do with a ring that could easily cost as much as a car. Would you stick car keys into food?
4.At a ball game on the JumboTron. Hey gentlemen, you might be the ONLY one who'll think this is awesome. I found studies online that show women despise this. Although your girlfriend might blush and cry for the folks watching the JumboTron), inside her imagination she's may already be preparing to humiliate you in some open public way.
5.Referencing rhymes from almost any heavy metal song.
If you need starting points or further advice regarding ways to propose, just glance around on the internet for some fantastic ideas and then, after you have some you like you should run them by an objective woman that understands the woman you'll be proposing to.
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