My Professor, My Mr Right

When I was 19 years old, I was in a medical university. Mr. Bender was the most charming man as all young ladies in our school know. He was Amusing, intelligent, sexy. All the good words on him is not too much. However, At times, he just a kid, a little kind of sprightly. This was the best I like. I always like this kind of guy with little childish sometimes. The most surprising was that he should be a single. So, no girls cut his classes, most of them were his fans. But I knew that I was just a too common Cinderella. I never hoped, even never dreamed, I would have relations with him one day. That's absolutely impossible.
On November 26th. Mr. Bender was showing the human anatomy to us. Maybe all his heart was on the presentation, so he even did not realize when the laser pointer pen dropped off from his hand. When he came out and needed the laser to point to one part of the human body. The laser was picked up. My professor had tried everything to make it work again. No matter how hard and anxious my professor was. The laser never worked anymore. All the boys laughed at loudly and maliciously, I can see the embarrassment on professor's face. There are countless little parts in human body. He couldn't point them just by his fingers, so the class would not be continued successfully.
At this moment, a thin green laser pointed to the screen surprisingly. A while ecstasy from my heart, but disappeared suddenly with the disappearance of the laser and my professor tried to ask whether he could borrow it or not several times but no answered. My professor was more embarrassment and only shook his head. By my intuition, it's from Jack. I left my seat and came to Jack's, picked up his left leg, then my hand was in his pocket. Every body was shocked since all they knew Jack was a very unpleasant boy in our class. Nobody dared to provoke him. Few seconds later I was on the platform with the laser in my hands. My professor stared at me in few seconds amazingly and then smiled. My heart was beating violently.
Class returned to normal, but my heart never calm down anymore in the whole of that class because I could feel the eyes from my professor occasionally. The laser was returned after class. The Cinderella was asked to have dinner on Friday night.
Two years after the graduation we had our first baby, now she is 19 years too. I just want to write down the old story as a remembrance.The laser becomes the token of our love, and we do always buy a new one on each November 26th to in memory of the love between us. It's the 23th one in this year. We will continue to buy one more green laser pointer pen in every year of our rest life. And we hope our beloved daughter would find her right laser earlier too.
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