Four Ways To Tell If He Is A Bad Boy

He might have a smile worthy of a Lumineer commercial but that does not mean he is worthy of a date with you. A bright smile and perfect dental hygiene means he cares about his molars and nothing more. When deciding to a date a gent you must be aware of the signs he is a bad boy. And there is no better way to foresee trouble then with the top four signs he might be as bad as a Rottweiler with a personality disorder.
1. Control Freak
Nothing is worse than a guy who feels the need to control you. They are worse than a venomous snakebite in a remote desert. If you notice any hint of a control issue with your gent, run. Run like you just ran into your ex on a bad hair day.
2. Money Lover
Having a plan for the future and a sound retirement is one thing, but actually being in love with money on a level of weirdness is another. Being fiscally responsible is great but putting money before any relationship is bad. Men who love money will never make you happy because they can only care for their bank account.
3. Selfish
If he only thinks of himself, his needs, and his desires, it's a surefire sign that he is a bad boy. Don't make the mistake of trying to change this guy, because he will only disappoint you. And if that isn't enough they also make horrible lovers as well because the only one they want to please in bed is themselves.
4. Flirt
Any man who has to flirt with your best friend, your mom, sister, and even your grandma is without a doubt a bad man. A flirt is one thing but a man who has an eye for all things female is a wicked other. Stay away from a guy who can't stop flirting with other girls, he will only break your heart and make you feel as lonely as a lion cub deserted in the African Savanna.
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