How Do I Make a Man Stick Around? Follow This If You Fear That He Might Run Away Some Day

One you have landed your catch, you want him to stick around! No woman likes her catch to slip away from her. Here are some marvelous tips that will help you to noose your prey and keep him by your side forever!
Come through as solid gold!
If every time he looks at you, he feels happy that you are his, it means that you have proved to be a wonderful partner in every way. It is only when a man is dissatisfied and disappointed with his woman that he begins to stray! Come through as a genuine person and he will find you irreplaceable.
Don't let him down if you can help it
If a woman starts to take the whole relationship with her man for granted, then she will double her chances of making mistakes and losing her man. You will not bother trying to do your best with the result that you will let him down. If he really loves you he might overlook this a few times, but repeated mistakes may make him lose interest in you.
Pass every test he sets for you
Don't be naïve and think that your man is not going to test you! Stop for a moment and think of how many times you have put him to the test. In the same way he is going to test your love for him. Be aware of this fact and don't let your guard down! This does not mean that you have to be tense all the while - just be honest and genuine and you will pass every test! He will love you more!
If you stick by him he will stick by you
It is natural that if a woman is faithful and loving, her man finds it easy to reciprocate in the same manner. If you stick by him and show him that you mean to make every promise come true in your relationship he will be overwhelmed by this show of love and affection and will want to be by your side forever!
Make trust a huge priority in your relationship
Without trust, it is impossible for a relationship to stay strong. If there is no trust between you, jealousy, anger and suspicion will eat away or erode the love and attraction you have for each other. If you make trust the biggest priority in your relationship, he will find no cause to leave you.
Don't make rash judgments
Refrain from machining rash judgments and hurting your man. If will only take enough of your criticism and nagging. Be the ideal partner and show him how much you love him by being tender, compassionate and genuinely honest. Once he recognizes your wonderful traits he will consider you an asset in his life and will stick by your side.
Never turn cruel and uncaring
It is said that "a wise woman builds her home but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands". How true this is! Don't jeopardize your relationship by being cruel, criticizing and inconsiderate. If you are too dominating or bossy, nagging and pushy he will regret being in a relationship with you and leave.
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