How to Make a Guy Respect You Again? Earn the Kind of Treatment You Know You Deserve From Him

If you have somehow managed to lose the respect of your guy by turning into a doormat or by trying to win his approval for every move that you make then it is time to win that respect back.
Here are helpful tips on how to make a guy respect you again that are sure to turn you into the queen of your relationship.
Learn to say no tactfully
You will now need to learn to say no to your guy in a tactful manner since he might not expect you to refuse him after you have said yes for such a long time.
For example, if he does demand sex when you are not in the mood then you can make up a womanly excuse so that he does not pester you. This move will allow you to slowly gain confidence and retain some control over your relationship again.
Play hard to get
Although this advice seems to be a little too late in the relationship, you can still play hard to get even when you are deeply committed.
You can make your own girl-gang and hang out with them, develop a new hobby, or start a new job so as to spend a little time on your own. This move will earn the respect of your guy, especially if you get a new job and immerse yourself seriously into it.
Start treating him with respect
If you notice that you too have started losing respect for your guy then he might simply have retaliated to your own behavior. You should start treating him with respect so that he too starts reciprocating on the same line.
Lose those bad habits
If you have developed bad habits such as heavy smoking or drinking that might have aggravated your guy then it is time to lose them.
Your guy will surely appreciate your efforts to lose those bad habits and will develop a new sense of respect for you.
Do not lie to your guy
If you have been telling lies to your guy and have been caught lying then you would surely have lost respect of your guy.
You need to stop lying immediately and indicate to your guy that you have mended your ways. You will also need to keep up to your promise to win back respect again.
Stop nagging
This is one of the most common reasons as to why guys lose respect as well as hearing for women.
If you feel that you have started nagging your guy then it is time to restrain yourself and earn back that respect from your guy.
Stop smothering your guy
Although you might love your guy to death you do not need to smother him to death with your love, especially in public.
You should show affection towards your guy but resist from smothering him completely as he will only lose respect and shy away from you.
These tips will guide you towards winning back that lost respect from your guy so that you can continue the relationship with renewed confidence. Use them and get treated like a queen!
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