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How to Know If He Has a Crush on Me? Here Are Some Cool Tricks to Easily Read His Mind Right Away


You simply adore him and can't get him out of your mind. There are times you feel that he feels the same way about you and yet you can't be sure that he has a crush on you. Here are some ways to know whether the smiles, stares etc mean something or whether he is just being a good buddy!

Is he always angling for a date?
You should know that there is more to it if you find that he will do anything to get you to go out with him. It is obvious that he has a huge crush on you when he keeps flashing two tickets to the movies etc under your nose and gets you to agree to be his date. This shows genuine attraction.

When he tries to oust the competition
Have you noticed that of late he gets mad or jealous when there are other guys around you? Talk to his friend and give another guy your attention and he will be buzzing around you in obvious distress or try to wrench you away from other guys. This sort of protectiveness is due to the fact that he wants you to be his and his alone.

He goes out of his way to make you feel good
Check and see if he does all he can to make you happy. Does he bring you little gifts, try to make you smile with his idiotic jokes; keep a place for you next to him on the bus, etc? If he does, you can see that this is a sure sign that he has a massive crush on you.

You will find that his closest friends seem to know a lot about you
If he has a crush on you - his friends will know it! They will know all the little things about you because he will be talking about you to them all the time! Moreover you will also find them trying to get you together and tease him mercilessly about you!

He takes every opportunity he can to get close to you
This is a very obvious sign that he has a crush on you. He will seize every opportunity to sit near you, hold your hand, be your partner during the games period, etc. Of course even the way he looks at you and smiles at you should tell you a lot! Watch his body language and look for those blushes and the way his face lights up when you enter the room.

When you can do nothing wrong where he is concerned
When he praises you, appreciates you and compliments you when you know that you are not looking all that stunning - it shows that he is looking at you through rose tinted glasses! If he has a great crush on you, you can do nothing wrong! He will be blind to all your faults!

He turns into a slave!
This could be really embarrassing but it sure is a sign that he is smitten! If you find him at your elbow always ready and willing to help you in whatever way he can - be it learning to play basketball or carrying your books for you - you should know that he has a giant crush on you.


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