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Conversing With Confidence


All guys, at one point or another, have screwed up when talking with a woman. We've all said something we wish we hadn't, stared at her cleavage, or used some sleazy pickup line. Conversing with confidence is a skill that takes a little time and effort. However, developing this one skill will pay off! You'll get more phone numbers and dates than you thought was imaginable.

How do you feel about yourself when you approach a woman? Does you stomach churn? Does your heart rate speed up? Do you become nervous about yourself? The biggest part of conversing with confidence is knowing that you are a cool, great guy. When you believe in yourself, that belief is obvious to others by how you conduct yourself.

We are constantly broadcasting who we are to everyone around us. Did you realize that most conversation isn't verbal, but all the non-verbal things that we do? So it isn't what you say, it's your posture, your facial expressions, your whole demeanor that conveys your message. The words you utter are the least of your conversation. When you aren't conversing with confidence, for example, if you're feeling nervous about approaching a woman you'll probably play with the keys or change in your pocket, your eyes will dart around the room, and you'll probably draw your shoulder muscles up making you look a little hunched over. Oh, and you'll probably sweat more, too. That's before you ever open your mouth to say the first word.

Conversing with confidence begins with the inner man. The man who knows his own mind and his own worth. These traits are what our body language will naturally communicate. The skill of conversing with confidence is learning your strengths and trusting in yourself. You don't have to be so cool and sophisticated that you come across like 007, but you do have do know that you're an honest and worthwhile person to know. The man that knows those traits about himself stands tall, is relaxed, and smiles at others. The words will simply back up what your body language and demeanor are saying about you.

How to Keep a Good Man? Do it This Way and He Will Never Leave You For Any Other Woman

You are with your dream guy and everything is just dandy and wonderful. Do you sometimes worry, though, that this may be too good to last? You are aware that every girl out there is looking for exactly the kind of guy you are with right now. Here are a few tips to keep that perfect relationship going.

Give him space - While men like spending time with their girlfriends, they need breathers too. Most men prefer to have some alone time or time out with their friends. Do not make him feel guilty for spending some time away from you.

Be your own person - Take your own decisions. It irritates men if you just agree with everything they say. It makes them think you do not have an opinion. Men also like women who have a life of their own, rather than those who want to spend all their spare time hanging out with their boyfriends.

Communicate your feelings clearly - It has been said enough, but it is worth saying again - men are not mind readers. They are also more often than not less sensitive to the feelings of the people around them as compared to women. So, you will need to convey your feelings loud and clear.

Show him respect - A good man will always respect the women around him and he, in turn, expects people to respect him too. That means no cuddly nicknames in public. It is important to put up a good public appearance for the benefit of his family and friends even though you may not always like them.

Do not be too materialistic - Being too focused on materialistic things makes a man feel that he may have to spend his entire life fulfilling your demands. This will certainly push a man away from you.

Ask him what makes him happy - Unlike women, men do not expect their partners to intuit their feelings. If you ask him what he likes, he will only be too glad to let you know.

Do not neglect your looks - It is easy to let go of yourself when you are happy. You know this is only a passing phase before you regain control over your life. However, your man may not understand that. Besides, looking good does wonders for your confidence and boosts your self-esteem. So hit the gym often and take care of your appearance.

Conversation Starters For Shy People

Shy-guys are some of the easiest people to spot at a party or other social event. They hang out in corners like they can disappear, but still look at everything going on around them. They'll stare all around, but try hard not to make eye contact. If they do make eye contact with someone they'll get an embarrassed look on their face. They want so much to be a part of what's going on, but are immobilized by their own fear. All they really need is a few conversation starters for shy people.

If what I've mentioned sounds all too familiar to you, then I've got great news! You don't have to remain a shy-guy. You can learn a few conversation starters for shy people and they'll take you farther than you ever could imagine. When you use these techniques once or twice you'll find that they help you to overcome inertia and get out there talking with girls.

The first rule of thumb when it comes to talking with women is this - be honest. Women can't stand a BS'er, at least when it comes to meeting them for the first time. Don't give her the opportunity to reject you for over-the-top behavior or putting on an act. The easiest of the conversation starters for shy people is to approach a woman and say, "Hi, my name is ---. I thought I'd be social and introduce myself to you. What's your name?" This is honest, sincere, and unpretentious. A lot of women will respond to this in a very positive way

Another conversation starter for shy people is the statement/question technique. You make a statement and follow it up with a question, which is directed at the girl you intend to introduce yourself to. A statement is something that's factual, such as "that cocktail your drinking looks great". The question that follows deals with an unknown, like "do you know what's in your drink?" This requires a response, which gets the woman to answer your question and allows you space to continue the momentum of the conversation.

Another conversation starter for shy people is by talking across the room. I don't mean yell at her like she's the waitress and you want to give her an order. What I'm talking about is mouthing your hello for her to lip read. You start by looking around the room and deciding which woman you want to meet. Make sure you're sitting in a spot where she can easily see you. Relax and smile. If you're at a club or bar, just sip your drink while you wait.

When she looks your direction just smile, nod your head at her and mouth the word 'Hi' or 'Hello'. If she smiles back, nods her head back, or mouths the greeting back to you, then continue the conversation with 'mind if I come over?' This gives her control and space. This will also intrigue her. You'll look a little mysterious and interesting. All this without even leaving your seat. That is, until she invites you over. No need to be shy any longer! With a few conversation starters for shy people like this you'll soon discover that your shyness disappears forever.

How to Get a Guy to Want You - 3 Hot Proven Techniques to Making Him Mad With Lust

The ultimate desire for any female out there is to attract the guy that she is after. If you're one of those people and you want to know how to get a guy to want you, then you've come to the right place! You know those women who are able to seemingly attract any guy that she's after with what appears to be virtually no effort whatsoever?

Isn't that annoying?

Well, thankfully the art of getting guys can be taught and then as such learnt by anyone who wants to give it a go. There are three techniques that most people agree on work well, work extremely well as a matter of fact and you can start using them as soon as you want to. Ready to attract any guy and make him mad with lust?

#1 - Expand Your Persona

Those women that seem to be able to get any guy that they want all seem to have one thing in common - they are larger then life. You agree with me, right? An active, an interesting and exciting personality is utterly essential for attracting the man that you are after. No guy wants a slob or a boring person to be with. Nope, he wants someone who is utterly enthralling, someone who lives life up every second of everyday. This probably isn't a transformation that will take place over night and that's not something that it should be. But it is something to work on.

#2 - Make Him Feel... Nice

You ever wondered why people go to theme parks? The obvious and correct answer is that they make them happy. People are drawn back time and time again because theme parks make people feel really good. You're not a theme park of course, you're a women who wants to know how to get a guy to want you! The lesson in it though is to make him feel good when he's around you. Tell jokes and stories, laugh, pay him compliments and anything else that makes him feel good when he's around you. If you can do that, then he will want to feel more of those feelings, and come back to you.

#3 - Flirt

Don't be obvious, have some fun with it. Let him know that you're interested in him. You don't want to be running round totally obvious, no shoving it in his face, but just a casual hint now and again that you're interested. If you're an interesting person, you make him feel good AND you let him know that you're keen, then he's bound to be lured like nothing ever before.

How to Get a Guy to Want You - 3 Simple Tips You Can Use to Melt His Heart

Do you want to know how to get a guy to want you? All ladies have at some point and you're no exception. I like to think of the skill as an equation, which is one part art, one part science and the other part instinct. Now, you're good to go with that last one which just leaves us to look at the other two. If you perfect the 'science' part of it, then you will also perfect the art part of it. Sound all a bit confusing? Let these three tips below make everything that much clearer, and melt that guy beginning today.

Become Insanely Awesome

You know what those girls who can get any guy they want all have in common with each other? They are all larger then life. They're all awesome. You might not think so and perhaps awesome is the wrong word, but the fact is that they are bright stars in seas of mediocrity. They're different, sometimes very different and that's why the guys like them.

But, there is a little catch to this. NEVER stop being YOU. You're not a dry, boring person. You just have to become you to lose the mediocrity that men hate. You don't have to become someone you're not, in other words.

Make Him Happy

Oh yes, essential one. People come back to things and people that make them happy - it's a proven fact. The key is to make him feel as good as he can when he's around you. Don't put him down, don't joke at his expense, always treat the guy with respect, pay him compliments and make him laugh. The traditional view goes that the male makes the female laugh, but you know what? Tradition just keeps the unexpected from happening. Who wants that? Make him laugh, make him happy and you'll keep him coming back.

Let Him Know

The final tip in the three essential tips on how to get a guy to want you is about letting him know that you're interested in him. After all, you might be awesome, have an active and exciting life, make him feel really good but unless you actually let the guy know by casually flirting with him, he's not going to know anything! That's the kicker in how to get a guy to want you. Smile. Don't shove it in his face. Don't be desperate. Have fun. Enjoy things.

Are You Looking For Tricks to Catch a Man's Attention? Here is What You Need to Read Right Away

Do you find yourself dreaming about that handsome man from the gym or do you fancy your cute new coworker? We bring you some tips and tricks to get the attention of the guy of your dreams.

Be yourself - It is easier to be who you are than to pretend to be someone else. It is also harder to keep up a pretense over a long period of time. Don't fake interest in something just because he likes it. Guys like women who know what they like and dislike.

Smile - If your eyes happen to meet, do not just walk away. That gives him mixed signals. If you find him looking at you, give him a smile. It is a good way to reassure a man that he will not be shot down if he tries to talk to you.

Walk across his line of vision - Chances are that he just has not noticed you. Walk in front of him a few times. If he has also walked into your line of vision several times, he probably likes you and is trying to get your attention too.

Try pursuing a similar activity or hobby - Find a common area of interest and try to pursue an activity that he likes to do. It gives you an innocent reason to strike up a conversation with him and also something to talk about that you know will interest him.

Strike up a friendship - Try to be friends and hang out together. Do not be too available or around him all the time. When you are with him, make sense and pursue an intelligent conversation. It is okay to be blatantly flirtatious only if the guy flirts back. Getting too giggly or flirty can turn some guys off.

Leak the news - If all else fails, let some of his friends know that you like him or confide in a mutual acquaintance who you know will not keep the news to themselves. If he has simply not considered it until now, the knowledge that you find him attractive will certainly give him something to think about.

Dress to kill - There is no need to say that your style of dressing can get you a lot of attention. Be sure to dress up and look cute or attractive. Skimpy dressing may get you his attention, but will not ensure a healthy relationship.

How to Keep Your Boyfriend Satisfied & Always Keep His Interest! Follow These Methods Right Now

The relationship you are in is all you have been waiting for and now you cannot wait to spend the rest of your life with him. But we all wonder, at one time or another, if it is enough for him. Is there anything you could do to keep him happy and satisfied in your relationship and keep his thoughts from wandering away from you? This article contains tips and tricks to keep your relationship fresh and to keep your boyfriend satisfied always.

Throw out the boring routines - Some things are fun when you start doing them together at the beginning of your relationship. However, over time they develop into just another routine and become boring like most routines. Throw out anything that is not fun any more and try out some new activities together.

Let the little things go - No one is perfect and no couple is perfectly compatible. You may have noticed a lot of his little habits that annoy you. While it is important to calmly address the issues that really bother you, it is recommended to let the little issues slide.

Do not let the sex get stale - There is no reason why the two of you should get tired of each other if you keep trying new things. Show him your wicked side, try out some new tricks and keep him guessing what you will do next.

Set aside some quality time for the two of you - Relationships are like plants. They need to be nurtured and cared for. No matter how busy you are, make some quality time to spend with your loved one.

Be impulsive - Sometimes it is okay to be impulsive. When things get too stressful, surprise him with a weekend getaway or a relaxing couples' spa vacation. Think creatively and keep your eyes open. I am sure you will notice many opportunities around you to be impulsive and daring.

Do not underestimate the importance of conversation - There is a lot to be said for some relaxing yet intelligent conversation at the end of a long, hard day. It is as important to satisfy the mental and emotional needs of a person as much as the physical needs.

Remember to tell him how much you appreciate him - As your relationship progresses, it becomes easier to take your boyfriend for granted. Do not miss any opportunity of showing how much you still care for him and express gratefulness for the continued success of your relationship.

Making Sure the First Date is Not the Only Date

If you're about to go on your first date, you're experiencing the excitement and nervousness that millions of others like you have experienced. You've finally managed to snag a date with that special girl you've been dreaming about, and you want to make is special. You want to make sure that the first date with her is not the only date with her.

While the old cliche says a date with flowers, candlelight, candy and romantic music is a sure thing, this is not always the case. Here are some very simple tips to follow to ensure your first date is not only memorable but the start of more to come.

Be creative. Regardless of whom you're taking out on a date, be creative and use the element of surprise. This will delight her every time. Sure, candlelight, flowers, candy and romantic music can't hurt, but not every girl is into those kinds of things, especially on the first date. If she looks on you as a good friend, these gestures might be considered as too serious for the first date. Make it a point to find out what she enjoys doing before you actually go on the date.

Keep her surprised. Although women by nature are organized and methodical, most women also love surprises. Once you've managed to learn what she enjoys, keep your plans a secret until the big day. You can let her know if it's formal or casual to avoid embarrassment and discomfort, but don't let on anymore than that. She'll appreciate the time and care you took in planning this perfect date.

Keep your shared interests in mind. There was something that attracted you to her in the first place, and it was probably shared interests. Try to plan something that you know you'll both enjoy. The date will be much more interesting and fun if it's something you both enjoy. Introducing each other to new interests should take place after you've been on a few dates (hopefully it will get this far).

Don't expect her to pay the bill. Today woman are more independent and many prefer to pay their own way. However, you asked her out and paying the bill is your responsibility. If she insists on paying her share, there's little you can do about it. However, make every effort to let her know that paying for the date is your pleasure. At the end of the date, don't hesitate to let her know what a great time you had.

What Are the Things Which Really Fascinate a Man? Discover How to Easily Attract Him Towards You

If you are single and anxious about your current relationship status, do not worry. Know that there are a few things which really attract a man towards you and work on these aspects. It is not complicated to understand and know what men really find fascinating in women. If you cannot decide on where to start from or what attracts men towards you, you could make use of these tips.

Confidence: A woman who can carry herself with grace, poise and confidence is definitely a turn on for millions of men worldwide. This aspect shows that the women is emotionally strong and self sufficient. Women who are overemotional and cry at the drop of the hat are big turn offs to men.

Kindness: Genuine warmth and kindness towards others of your rank and those who are not up to your rank is another quality which men find really charming. Your compassion and consideration towards others will draw men like magnets towards you.

Giving the man space and freedom: Men find this quality in women really endearing as they do not appreciate clingy, nagging girls as their partners. Giving them their freedom and space but firmly making your point known whenever you feel it is necessary is a complete turn on.

Good sense of humor: A man loves a girl with a good sense of humor. It pleases him to show her off in front of friends as he knows that she will definitely be a hit with them. Be spontaneous and charming and do not get offended if someone cracks a joke on you.

Understanding nature: Handle him to the best of your ability when he is facing hard times and do not be too judgmental of his actions. Being his constant source of support and a pillar of strength will certainly attract him towards you. Understanding him and his emotions will fetch you brownie points.

Someone who appreciates him: Men love women who can pamper their ego. Appreciating him and complimenting him, boosts his morale. Learning the trick to soothe and boost his ego will really earn you additional bonus points.

Appealing physical attributes: It is a well known fact that men are visual by nature and they will always be charmed and attracted towards you if you appeal to their visuals. Look after your body and take good care of your looks. Grooming yourself well will certainly add to your advantage.

How To Influence Women And Date Someone Else Every Week

Have you ever wondered how great it must be to be able to pick up any girl? I mean, walking into a club or a bar, seeing a girl and walk away with her number 10 minutes later. Not only is this possible, but for many guys its a lifestyle. The fact that most single guys have no idea how to really talk to women means that these guys have an open playing field. When they do approach girls they are so taken with these guys that they cannot help but to feel attracted to them.

While there are a lot of theories and general rubbish going around of how to talk to women, it really is not the determining factor. It all comes down to your attitude and your approach. More than anything you have to stand out and be different.

Think about it. Hot girls get approached by guys all the time. 99.9% of these guys come up to them like scared dogs - intimidated by how beautiful they are. Women can sense this immediately. They also have this attitude that what they really want from her is sex and that they will do anything to get it - including everything she might ask of them. Since these girls get so much attention, guys will go to extreme lengths to get their attention.

So how do you get these girls if the good looking, the rich and the charming can't?
Well, you start by being the exact opposite than these guys. Its all about your attitude. here are some important points.

- Always approach these girls with a genuine attitude that you do not want to "get with" them. Approach them like you would approach your cousin or one of your friends. This immediately breaks down that barrier and women can sense your intentions immediately.

- Your goal is not to sleep with her as soon as possible. As long as that's your goal it will probably never happen. Your goal is only to connect with her, to make her laugh and to build a friendship as soon as possible.

- Never ask her out on a date. Think about it. She probably has 10 or 20 guys a week asking her out. Instead, ask her to hand out - almost like you would ask a friend to hang out. The second she sense "date" it changes the dynamic and you are back to being "one of them".

Don't think like a guy when you approach women. They look for very different things than men and most men think like a man when approaching women. Women are emotional and much more in tune with their feelings and with your intentions when talking to them.

Single Mother Dating Suggestions

Single mothers are still entitled to have a life outside while carrying that huge task of motherhood. Moving on is the hardest part but you needed to overcome this; the need to face a new chapter in your life is a must. Forget what happened and start a new day. Keep in mind that you cannot undo the past but you can undoubtedly do something for the things that will happen in the future.

This article deals with pretty simple single mother dating suggestions that would aid single mothers to move on and face a new chapter of their life.

Learning from the past - slowing down is the very first thing to do, just take it easy this time. You don't want to experience adverse situations again that would lead to a repetitive situation. You should keep yourself within your control and learn from the mistakes in the past.

Finding your knight in shining armor - if being a single mother happens to be an accident and the father of your child can be considered as a wrong choice hence you need to find the right person who will accept you and your child. Engaging on a dating scene with a matured person is much preferable for the reason that younger people are sometimes unpredictable and often bewildered with their feelings. Most matured person are often of serious type and broadminded as well.

Be responsible enough - time will come and you will meet someone whether through friends or other media and you will be dating exclusively. Spare your date from the crisis and difficulties you encountered as a single mother. You should be responsible enough to deal with it alone. Do not to let him look like you were just using him as an escape or a countermeasure to the situation you are in. Not unless he will offer himself then you must be lucky enough.

Be prepared - sooner or later as your relationship will grow, be prepared to have a situation between the new man in your life and your child. Situations wherein your child will not entertain the idea that other person will enter into your lives. However, as the mother you should take whole responsibility in explaining the whole thing. Most of the time, children will not entertain the thought but it is you who will decide in the end.

Set your priorities - the last thing to do is you have to set your priorities. At an early age of your relationship have moments with your man and with your child but not to both. You should have to attend to both parties but be sensible to make decisions regarding going to a date or attending your child's theater presentation. You should not force to create a one big happy family scene at once, just wait and it will happen in due time.

These are the simple dating suggestions for single mothers out there. Having a child doesn't mean you are never entitled to date again. Move on and with aid of these tips find Mr. Right and have a happy life.

How to Make a Guy Fall For You by Playing Smart? Discover How You Can Easily Get Him Attracted

Are you strongly attracted to a particular man? Do you think he looks very cute? Are you interested in him? If yes then you must know how to make him fall for you. He might definitely be a hard catch but if you play smart then you can make him your partner. Here are a few tips to make your guy fall for you:

Give him the idea : Firstly, you have to let him know that you are interested in him. You cannot admire him from a distance for the rest of your life. Smile at him when you see him or play the eye game with him. Your eyes can let him know that you like him and that you are interested in him.

Be friends with his friends : If you do not have any common friends then you can always make an acquaintance with his friends. In this manner you will be in the same friend circle as him, will get to spend time with him and know him better.

Leave notes : You can leave anonymous notes at his desk if he works in the same office. After you have done this for a few days and get positive responses from him you can let him know that you are the one doing this because you are interested in him and you would like to go out with him.

Be polite with him : If you both are in the same office, college or building then you can wait for him at the end of the day and to go home together. You both could even share a cab. This is an excellent way of introducing yourself and initiating conversations.

Concentrate on your looks : Looks can kill. Looking good also enhances your confidence level. Dress smartly when you are around him. You can put on light make up and accessorize in an attractive manner when you go out with your common friends.

Let him know : If you have the guts then you can tell him directly that you like him. Not many people can do this but if you even have a slight inkling that he may be interested in you, the best way to let him know that you are interested in him is to just tell him.

Ask him out : Ask him out for a date and see his reaction. If you are lucky and he is interested, he will certainly agree and you can take your relationship forward from there.

How to Get a Guy to Want You - 4 Tips to Make Him Go Mad About You

Many women out there suffer from the same problem - how to get a guy to want them. You probably are thinking the same thing, wanting to know how to get a guy to want you. Sometimes it can all seem pretty crazy. Filled up with all this passion and crazy energy can lead you to some pretty strange decisions, so take a deep breath, calm down and read this article for some fantastic tips on how to get a guy to want you. You can get any guy to go mad if you push the right buttons, trust me.

#1 - Relax

As kind-of-mentioned above, the most essential thing that you can do when going after a guy is to relax. The guy will be driven away if you come across too desperate or too needy in appearance. Plus you won't be thinking too clearly and that's never a good thing! You make all kinds of mistakes when you're not thinking straight.

#2 - Develop Yourself

No need to join a centre for self improvement here, anyone can change their own life if they have a good enough reason and motivation. Does getting this guy sound like a good enough reason for mixing things up? The guy wants a women with an interesting life, not one who will stifle him and block him from doing stuff. Plus, having an interesting life means better ice-breaker conversations with the man!

#3 - Let Him Have Fun

This step is crucial to getting a good solid foundation with the man. So many people skip this step and then wonder why things aren't going to plan. If you want to know how to get a guy to want you then you simply have to understand this part. Become friends with the guy. And not just a friend. Make him feel genuinely good when he's around you and you're off to a better start then most people. Be around him. Make him laugh. And he'll keep coming back for more.

#4 - Don't Get In His Way

Many girls appear like they are going to become 'clingers' and while for some guys this is cute, for the most part he will just find it annoying. He's a free guy and will want to remain that way as much as he can. Never set him boundaries. And if you do ever get together, never EVER become one of those people that could not survive properly without him.

What Are the Factors Which Pulls a Man Towards a Woman? Here is What You Need to Know Right Now

It might seem a little strange but guys do have a lot of intuitive abilities than they get credit for. Intuition is usually considered to be a woman's strong point and sure enough in most cases women are able to spot whether a guy is good or bad. Men have that ability too - it just takes a little while for them to grasp the significance of their 'reads'.

So what are the things that attract a man:

External appearance: This is the very start of any potential relationship. If you are a well dressed, elegant and well groomed lady, you are bound to grab eyeballs. A tiny bit of skin being flashed (in an appropriate setting) will add tremendously to the sex appeal. But remember less is more!

Confidence go a long way: Men like it when women take charge. So if it is matter of returning that admiring gaze or even sending over a drink to him, these are indicators to a man that you are not afraid and are confident about yourself as a woman and as a person.

That look on your face: Some women are immaculately dressed and groomed but men are still put off by them. It is likely that their facial expression is not exactly the sort that invites an interested look. It is possible that some internal stress or conflict is playing out externally which is throwing off potential interest.

Non verbal communication: Body language is a very crucial aspect in the dating/mating process. A flick of hair and a light touch on his arm will appeal to him at a sub-conscious level.

Eyes give it away: Eyes are the window to our soul it is said and this is true as far as women attracting men is concerned. If you are generally a happy person, this will reflect in your eyes and make you look even more attractive to men. Smile more often and this will increase your attractiveness quotient.

Companionship: Guys always look for women who they are comfortable hanging out with. The ability to provide companionship is very important to them. It does not mean you have to be one of the guys but it helps if you are comfortable in their presence.

Stop whining: The surest way to turn a guy off is to be whining and grumpy all the time. The occasional mood swing is understandable and even expected but constant complaining or negativity is something which will not attract a guy to you.

Double Your Dating Ebook

If you are interested in the Double Your Dating ebook by David DeAngelo then you should read this article. It will give you a quick overview of what's inside and what is missing.

First of all, it starts out by attempting the impossible: trying to help men to understand women. The main takeaway from this chapter is really drilling home that you have to stop trying to make sense out of women. Because the simple reality is that women do not make sense. Their behavior and their emotions do not follow anything that is logical or reasonable. But you can nonetheless understand them if you just learn about the inner workings of a woman's mind.

The next chapter of the Double Your Dating ebook covers how to communicate with women. It really is true that women communicate in a very different way than men do. Simply understanding this will give you an advantage about 80% of all men out there.

The most important point here is really to communicate with confidence. Nothing kills attraction faster than when you communicate insecurity or neediness.

You also should know that women "test" men - and you want to be able to recognize these tests and pass them easily. The author of the book, David Deangelo, claims that women (and this is especially true for attractive women) will use all kinds of behavior to find out how much they can get away with. For example, are you the kind of man who will put up with bossy behavior? How easily will you give away your personal power? If you stay in control even if she disapproves of something you said or did, then this something that creates attraction.

Other topics the Double Your Dating ebook includes body language for flirting, conversation topics on dates, tips for a great date, and how to "get physical". In total, the book is 148 pages long, so that is a lot of information, tips and advice. However, he has structured the information in a way that makes it easy to digest and you do not need to read the book from cover to cover. You can for example just open the chapter on "Where To Meet Women" and will find three pages filled with ideas on where to meet women.

The one thing that is really missing from this book is a collection of good pick-up lines. David DeAngelo claims that he has not included any pick-up lines on purpose, because he things that if you follow the advice in his book, you will not need to rely on prepackaged sentences. While this is true, it would surely have made it easier for beginners to get some real world experience quickly.

Dating Tips for Men - Ways to Approach a Woman

The approach is one of the hardest parts of the whole mating and dating game for most guys. You try and try to come up with some witty remarks or something that you can use to start a conversation and you end up feeling tongue tied, unsure of what to say to make her feel like you are a cool guy that she would love to go out on a date with.

This is a really common feeling for men to have, so don't let it get you down. When it comes to the approach, most men are a little on the clueless side of things. Some guys will resort to using a really cheesy line just to try and get her talking. While this is definitely better than nothing at all, there are much better ways to approach a woman.

Here are some dating tips for men on how to approach a woman that should give you a nudge:

1. Do not wait forever to walk on over to her.

Once a woman has noticed that you are checking her out, you need to be able to walk on over to her. Waiting only makes things more awkward for you and for her, and if you wait too long, you end up looking like the kind of guy that just kind of gawks at women. Women are really not too appreciative of that, and so, she will not be thinking of you as being the dashing stranger that she wants to date. You have to be able to make the move on over to her as quickly as possible.

2. Try to get her talking with an open ended question, nothing too personal or boring.

With an open ended question, you can get the ball rolling and have a nice little chat started right from the moment that you begin to talk to her. Topics to avoid would be dull things like the weather, controversial things like politics and religion, and anything that will make it seem like two co workers are chatting it up. If you need to have an opener, go with a question if you can.

3. Don't let yourself lose any steam.

Once you have her talking, you need to keep things going. A few minutes of dead silence can seem like an eternity in these situations, for her and for you. If you want to make things seem a lot more comfortable, then you need to make sure that you don't lose any steam. Otherwise, you might end up losing any ground that you may have gained with her.

How to Keep Your Man Very Satisfied in Your Relationship? Vital Things You Must Learn Right Now

Maintaining a relationship can be one of the most difficult tasks. It is not possible for everyone to take their relationship to marriage. Not everyone spends the rest of their lives together. If you follow certain simple rules of maintaining a relationship then you will be able to keep your man hooked forever.

Be possessive about your man : It is a good idea being possessive to a certain extent as there are plenty of fishes in the ocean. However do not smother him and make him feel claustrophobic. Just let him know you are not willing to share him with anyone else.

Avoid communication gaps : If possible do not allow for long communication gaps in your relationship. If he travels frequently on work, be sure to call him at least a couple of times and keep him informed of what is happening at your end.

Keep him interested in the relation : If your relationship is on for a couple or more years, there are chances that the spark is missing between the two of you. You have to keep the emotions flowing by periodically adding in a romantic flavour. There are many different ways to keep a guy interested in you.

Let him know his importance : It is a good idea making your guy feel important. Let him know that he means a lot to you and that his presence in your life is a great blessing. If he knows that you think he is special then he will never entertain thoughts of leaving you.

Tell him about your plans : If you have serious plans on marrying him let him know. Tell him that he is the one with whom you would like to spend the rest of your life with. Make it obvious to him through different ways that you have decided on settling down with him.

Do things that he likes : If you want to keep your man happy and content in the relationship, find out what he likes and do just that. It is possible that instead of going to the movies he likes to just walk on the beach. Start enjoying the walk with him instead of nagging him to take you to a movie.

Get him gifts : To keep your man excited, you can get him gifts. Buy him what he likes. It can be chocolates or a shirt or a tie or a wallet or even just a simple card that tells him how much you love him.

What Does it Take to Be Successful in Dating?

Are you still looking for that "perfect match?" Have you been on the dating scene for some time now and still wondering why you're single?

Perhaps you've received little tips and pieces of advice from friends and family but, in my experience, the time you will be most successful will be when you least expect it. That old saying about when you stop looking is when you will find love is very true. I believe that when you are actively seeking love you create sometimes without knowing, a barrier around yourself that just screams "I AM LONELY!" or "NOBODY LOVES ME!" possibly even "I NEED YOU!" Well once you are in a relationship and you find yourself occasionally feeling those feelings, you can communicate that to your partner and that will usually help you to get over feeling that way. BUT when trying to find someone to establish a relationship with, displaying an aura that makes statements such as that are a sure fire way to keep people away!

When I was dating I found it funny how many men thought they really "had it going on" of course some did, but most often, perhaps out of sheer conceit they came across like obnoxious buffoons! Confidence is an important attribute while dating but you've got to find a balance. Being overly confident a lot of times is a big turn off to both men and women. While the same is often true when you haven't enough self esteem or confidence. Once you find your middle ground and what feels right to you, you will be in the best position to meet that special someone because your self confidence will be apparent to everyone and that is a very attractive quality for both men and women.

I am currently married to husband number two, and this will surely be my last. We've got a great connection and it's been there right from the start. We have an equal understanding of one another's expectations and we've both been through it before. We have learned that relationships take work and although it's not always easy, the end goal is to achieve "happily ever after" status with one another. This kind of understanding of one another has been a very important part of maintaining respect and has allowed us to keep our lines of communication open.

I am certainly not pretending to be an expert. I am simply pointing out some things I have noticed both from personal experience and from observing friends and family members throughout many different stages of their lives.

Tips on How to Attract Women - Don't Try Too Hard to Impress a Woman

A really big mistake that most men are guilty of making, is that when they really feel attracted to a woman, they want to impress her too much and they end up trying too hard. Well, when you do that, you start to lower YOUR social value in HER eyes. And that does not bode well for you if you want to know how to attract women, does it?

You have been taught the wrong things ever since you were young about how to attract women. From films to television to the advice that family members will hand out to you, most of it is not in line with what really works to attract a woman. Trying too hard to be the knight in shining armor will usually just end up leaving you feeling tired and drained, and won't make a woman feel much attraction to you at all.

So, what is BETTER than trying too hard to impress a woman?

Having an attitude where you basically don't care whether or not she falls for you. Why would this be much better to have?

Because then you are not spending all of your time thinking of how to impress her, and you can actually do things that WILL make her feel attraction for YOU.

Here are some tips on how to attract women that will help you out:

1. Having an attitude where it seems like you are not trying to win her over implies that you already have high social status.

See, if you were a man that already possessed high social value, would you bend over backwards just to try and make a woman like you? Probably not. So, you need to be able to give a woman that impression from the get go if you want to make her see you as being that kind of guy, the kind that women love to date.

2. Being able to make her feel attraction requires that you know a little bit about how women are attracted to men.

If you think that you have to buy her lots of things, then you might want to discover what really creates attraction with a woman. It's more about the way that you make her feel than anything else. A guy does not have to be made of money to make a woman feel good when she is around him, and if he does make her feel that way, then he has a much better chance than a guy that is just focused on trying to "win" her affection and her approval.

Does Making Him Jealous Work? Discover If Making Him Jealous Will Get Him to Like You More

Relationships are complicated webs which need maneuvering with care and intelligence. If you are with a man who doesn't value you as much as you deserve or if you want an ex to see what he's missing out on; resorting to jealousy is the only way. While this cards shouldn't be played out often, when used in the right way they do give many positive results.

Work on the indifference
One of the ways to work on your man's indifference is by playing along. He expects you to say something about it. He thinks that you will rant and complain and even fight with him. Don't give him that pleasure. Don't let his indifference matter at all and pretend that it doesn't affect you. He will begin to get jealous of the fact the he is getting more affected than you.

Look like you have a lot going on
Stop focusing on your man and begin to focus on yourself. Pick up your hobby, start going to the gym religiously and generally get busy with your life. Don't complain at all and you will see that he will begin to miss you and will get jealous of your newfound busy status.

Make him feel like he's slipping down your priority list
One of the ways to make him feel jealous is by making him feel like he is slipping down your priority list. Don't ask him if he would like to go to the movies or to some other place with you. Make plans with others and tell him that you 'assumed' that he wouldn't be interested in your 'boring plans'. Come back and talk about what a ball you had.

Start staying up later than he does
Another way to getting him jealous is by starting to stay up later than he does and making sure that you look busy online. He will definitely start to get jealous when he feels that you are replacing him with the internet and find that more interesting.

Start hanging out with your friends especially people he doesn't know
Tell him that you won't be able to go out with him because you have already made plans with some friends. It would help if he didn't really know this group well as that would help in getting the jealousy quotient up. It will also make him realize how he made you feel.

Start taking an interest in some male activity
Walk up to him and start getting details of some male activity like sports. When he asks you why this sudden interest tell him that some guys from your gym or work have been talking and you are interested.

Start focusing on the way you look
Take an active interest in the way you look and don't design your new look according to his tastes. When he sees that you are taking all independent decisions without considering him he will get jealous and get the point you have been trying to make.

How Do You Show Your Boyfriend That He Has Hurt You? Follow This Before Doing Anything Else

Romantic relationships all have their ups and downs and we often unknowingly end up hurting each other. But if your man has hurt you then you need to show him that he has done so. Here are some of the ways by which you can tell your boyfriend and show him how he has hurt you.

Consider his temperament
Before you attempt to show him anything or do anything you have to consider his temperament. Is he the volatile sort, is he super sensitive or is he the one who is accommodating and understanding. If he is the last then you can speak to him easily. But if he is the volatile sorts then you have to look at the right time and place and then pick up the topic of discussion.

Understand that he will get defensive
You also need to know that he will get defensive when you talk to him. The first thing that will get affected is his ego so you need to play with care. Don't go on a verbal bashing spree. But be reserved in your demeanor.

Don't have any worries that your conflict will ruin your relationship
Conflicts don't ruin relationships. Not talking about them most certainly do. So you need to be sure that there is a conflict and then prepare to talk to him. Understand it is not going to be pleasant and if you feel you can't handle things, seek professional help to learn how you can do so.

Figure out how you will assert yourself
You will have to figure out a way to assert yourself if you need to tell him that he has hurt you. It can be by direct confrontation or by withdrawing completely from him. He has to first get the feelers that there is something amiss and you can do that by being cold with him.

Be clear and confident
When he talks to you about your sudden change in behavior you can tell him what has been bothering you. Don't hesitate to tell him that he has hurt you. Be clear in what you want to say and do not beat around the bush. Also don't be suggestive as that will give him a way to dodge responsibility.

Listen to what he has to say
After you have spoken give him a chance to explain himself. He might not be very clear or intensely apologetic but try to make sure that he has understood where you are coming from.

Don't expect immediate change
Lastly be patient with your man and do not expect a 180 degree change overnight. But if things don't go as expected even later head to a relationship expert and work things out.

How Should a Girl Behave With Her Boyfriend So That He Remains Happy? Know This Right Now

A lot of women get very confused when they have to figure out how they should behave with their boyfriends. If you want to know the things to do that will keep your boyfriend happy then read on and find out how you can do just that.

Become friendly with the people who matter to him
Men are very possessive of the people who make a difference in their lives. Family and his close circle of friends fall into this category. As his girlfriend you have to make sure that you become friendly and get along well with these people so that he stays happy with you.

Respect him and his decisions
A man needs to be respected. And the one person he expects the most respect from is his girlfriend, so make sure that you never try to laugh him off or try to emasculate him. Don't become petty just to prove a point.

Understand him and his needs
As his girlfriend you also have to understand him and his needs if you want to make him feel happy with you. He has to feel that you care about him so go all out and try to understand things from his point of view.

Don't complain all the time
If you want your man to remain happy then you will have to work on your attitude. If you are the complaining sort, no one wants to be stuck with a complainer. If you want to get a point across, look at more positive methods of communicating with him. Also, don't talk in loops when you want to get things done.

Make some effort to make him feel special
A relationship is all about making the other feel special. So just like your man takes the effort to plan special dates and events for you, you should do the same. Plan out a special evening for him, give him some raunchy action or act out his fantasies.

Continue to look good for him
A lot of women generally let go of the way they look when they settle in a relationship. But if you want your boyfriend to remain happy then you must behave in a manner that suggests that you care about the way you look and that too for him.

Be confident and attractive and focus on your life
You have to behave in a confident and secure manner when you are with your boyfriend. Continue to have a life of your own and make him a 'part' of your life but not your entire life.

How to Act to Get a Man? Your Behaviour Plays a Major Role in Keeping a Man Attracted to You

You must have seen some women get any man they want and wondered to yourself what is it that these women have that you don't? If you find yourself thinking this way then instead of wondering more read on and find out about the ways that you need to act to get a man.

Dress to impress
The first step to get a man to notice you is by looking great. You have to make sure that you wear clothes that really fit you and help in accentuating your best assets. You must never act uncomfortable in the clothes that you are in as that will put a man off you.

Look busy and interesting
You have to act busy as you don't want to put up an appearance of a boring person. An interesting person naturally is surrounded by people so don't hang around looking like you have no purpose, are bored and don't know what to do with yourself.

Have a confident air about yourself
Men are attracted to women who let off an air of confidence. So be sure of yourself and have a positive and confident body language. Don't fidget and sit with your arms closed. Have a positive attitude and let that reflect in your body language.

Don't hesitate to make the move
You are a woman of today and hence you should have no qualms to walk up to a guy and start having a conversation. Don't act desperate though. Know what you are going to say and again, act confident. Men love women who are ready to make the first move.

Have a fun way to start the conversation
Make sure you have a good conversation starter. Cheesy lines have to be avoided at all costs. Don't begin with a gushing compliment but don't hesitate to use wit to give him one and begin your conversation. One good way is to just be direct and ask him if he is by himself or if he is expecting company. You could even send over a drink and have him come to you. The key is in being different and confident about what you are doing.

Be engaging, entertaining, sexy
When you start to talk to him, you have to create your impression. While acting coy is a good idea you should also know where to stop. Have the perfect balance of fun, humor and sex appeal.

Don't make your life an open book
There has to be some information exchange when you are talking but tell him everything about yourself and he will never call you again. Keep the element of mystery to get a man.

How to Know If He Has a Crush on Me? Here Are Some Cool Tricks to Easily Read His Mind Right Away

You simply adore him and can't get him out of your mind. There are times you feel that he feels the same way about you and yet you can't be sure that he has a crush on you. Here are some ways to know whether the smiles, stares etc mean something or whether he is just being a good buddy!

Is he always angling for a date?
You should know that there is more to it if you find that he will do anything to get you to go out with him. It is obvious that he has a huge crush on you when he keeps flashing two tickets to the movies etc under your nose and gets you to agree to be his date. This shows genuine attraction.

When he tries to oust the competition
Have you noticed that of late he gets mad or jealous when there are other guys around you? Talk to his friend and give another guy your attention and he will be buzzing around you in obvious distress or try to wrench you away from other guys. This sort of protectiveness is due to the fact that he wants you to be his and his alone.

He goes out of his way to make you feel good
Check and see if he does all he can to make you happy. Does he bring you little gifts, try to make you smile with his idiotic jokes; keep a place for you next to him on the bus, etc? If he does, you can see that this is a sure sign that he has a massive crush on you.

You will find that his closest friends seem to know a lot about you
If he has a crush on you - his friends will know it! They will know all the little things about you because he will be talking about you to them all the time! Moreover you will also find them trying to get you together and tease him mercilessly about you!

He takes every opportunity he can to get close to you
This is a very obvious sign that he has a crush on you. He will seize every opportunity to sit near you, hold your hand, be your partner during the games period, etc. Of course even the way he looks at you and smiles at you should tell you a lot! Watch his body language and look for those blushes and the way his face lights up when you enter the room.

When you can do nothing wrong where he is concerned
When he praises you, appreciates you and compliments you when you know that you are not looking all that stunning - it shows that he is looking at you through rose tinted glasses! If he has a great crush on you, you can do nothing wrong! He will be blind to all your faults!

He turns into a slave!
This could be really embarrassing but it sure is a sign that he is smitten! If you find him at your elbow always ready and willing to help you in whatever way he can - be it learning to play basketball or carrying your books for you - you should know that he has a giant crush on you.

How to Make a Man Feel Secure With You? The More Secure He Feels the More He Would Love You

Sometimes it can be hard to deal with a guy who is not secure with you. The biggest toll is then on the relationship as it tends to stagnate. If you want to help your man feel secure here is what you should and should not be doing.

Try to talk to him
The first step to achieve anything is by communicating. Your first step should be to try and talk to him about his insecurities. Don't force him to open up to you as that will make him clamp up even more. Be patient and try to get him to be comfortable talking to you

Show him that he makes you happy
One of the ways to make your man feel secure is by showing him that you are happy with him. Try to think of ways that will impress upon him the fact that it is indeed him and being with him that is responsible for your happiness.

Never use jealousy to prove or make a point
When you are trying to make a man feel secure with you then the one thing that you must 'NEVER' do is to make him feel jealous. Jealousy can cripple the existence of your relationship so don't play that card. He needs to feel that you are not going to replace him and jealousy doesn't help serve this purpose.

Show him that you trust him
You can make your man feel secure by placing your trust in him. Don't doubt him and don't ask him too many questions. Make him feel that you are secure with him and that will also help him feel secure with you.

Do special things for him
When you want to make a man feel secure with you, you have to try and make him feel special. Start doing some simple yet thoughtful things for him. Sometimes inviting his family over, getting along with his friends or watching his favorite movie together instead of going out is enough to make him start feeling secure with you.

Don't push him for commitment
Another thing that makes men insecure is when you push for a commitment. Don't do this if you want him to feel secure. Let the relationship gather its own pace and all that is will follow. Take the pressure off him and see him becoming secure.

Give him respect and understanding
Respect the man you are with and don't make fun of him for no reason. Let him know that you truly respect him and understand his insecurities. Once he gets this assurance, he will begin to get more and more secure with you.

How to Make a Man Want to Be With You? Make Him Believe That You Are the Best Choice He Could Make

If you are not satisfied with the way things are going with your man, and it is frustrating that he does not spend more time with you, then it is time to take matters into your own hands and make him want to be with you more. Here are some great tips that will help you get him to be with you.

Shorten the distance between you
Don't let him keep you at arm's length. If you find that he is making all kinds of excuses in order to be away from you, then you should try to get to the heart of the matter and deal with the problem directly. Get rid of the inhibitions and mistrust if there is any! Let him get to know you well and start craving your company.

Just talking is not good enough!
It could be that he gets bored in your company. Just talking about mundane things is definitely not good enough. He has proved that he does not find you all that exciting. You should change the whole picture and become more attractive. Do things that will make him look at you in a whole new way - be sexually appealing and he will want to spend more time with you.

Change your image
You have to upgrade your personality and looks if you are aiming to hook him good and proper! Wear clothes that will show off your beauty. Be scintillating company and show him that you are a woman who can hold her own! Once you get him to admire you, he will want to know more about you and will hang around you.

Stop being a pushover!
As soon as he knows that he has your attention and time, he will begin to lose interest. You will seem too easy! Make sure that you prove a challenge to him. Men like challenges and want women who are enigmatic and mysterious. So stop being too available and make him curious about you.

Show him that you are too busy for him
It is possible that in the past you showed him that you are ready and willing to wait for him to call the shots. He probably knows that you sit by the phone all day waiting for his call. This is the reason why he makes you wait and does not bother to see you that often. Stop taking his calls for a while and start going out with other friends. This shift in your priorities will make him sit up!

Strengthen your relationship with him
If your relationship is weak and there is no special bond between you and your man, it is not surprising that he does not want to spend more time with you. Work on deepening the feelings, intimacy and love between you. Make him want to crave your attention and he will automatically want to be with you more. Concentrate on sharing intimate and special moments together.

Share his interests
If you find that your man is spending less time with you, it is up to you to be smart enough to share his interests and activities. If he is a sports buff - go watch him play his game and cheer him on! If he is interested in music, invite him over to hear the latest album of his favorite singer or band. Use your imagination and get him to spend more time with you.

Some Well-Known But Important Facts About Single Russian Women

Before starting to write it is important to know that the culture of any country plays a very important role in formation of the country men's mentality. From here it can be derived that footprints of Soviet times is the reason behind the nature, temper and thinking of Russian women.

The one renowned and true fact about the single Russian females is that they make good wives no matter they marry local Russian men or western men. Russian women are kind, loving and caring by nature, yet they are smart and quite intelligent. But they are innocent also and can easily be betrayed by any one. Russian culture is something like which draws a line between men and women's duties. According to their ancient culture, women are supposed to stay back at home taking good care of their children and family whereas men should take full responsibility to support the family financially.

Perhaps the trend of women staying back at home to take care of the family is now gradually changing. Now single Russian girls are also getting career oriented and strive hard despite of all the opposition and conflicts to have a stable professional & social life. Russian women are also sacrificing by nature as in all the races. They want to have a good career and they never forget their family values for which sometimes they end up paying a heavy cost. But what to do, it is in their personality.

All married or single Russian women aspire to be treated with love, respect and dignity. Man's love and support gives the Russian woman strength and a feel of security. All they look in the other person is support and humble words. If you are harsh and afraid of commitment then forget about the friendship with the Russian women.

According to one research Russians are not that active in their religious life. They hardly visit church once a week, though the rate of visiting is better with Russian women as compared to men. Furthermore, researches also show that there is not too much clarity about the religion essence among the Russians and the level of religious education is also not satisfactory there.

The economic condition of Russia is not very good, jobs opportunities are less and salary is very low to guarantee a stable and good lifestyle. This fact encourages single Russian women to seek a western life partner who has a stable career and financial condition. But this does not mean the single Russian women do not like Russian men. It is just that they want a better and a secured life. In this attempt and desire of marrying a western man they sometimes even get ready to settle down with much older men but the reason behind this is to have a secured life and nothing else.

All women are different by nature. They need to be treated in their own special way whatever suit their well being. But because of suffering disrespect in their own country, what all Russian women always long for is the person who can treat her with love and respect.

How to Flirt With a Girl Over Text Successfully

Flirting is not only carried out physically these days. With the technological advances, it is now possible to flirt with girls through text messages. Flirtatious messages should be sent based on the relationship that you have with person. This is like a game and you're in control of the level that you're playing. There are certain guidelines that you need to follow if you want to become a master mobile flirt.

Getting Started

What are the things you need? Well, it's really quite obvious. You will need a cell phone and the number of the girl that you're interested in. It's easy to get the number of the girl. You can approach her and casually ask for her number or you can ask around. Some of her friends might be willing to give the number with a little persuasion. Once you have the number, you can now send her surprise text messages. The message should imply that you're thinking of her. Decide on the theme to use so that you can create a personality like using emoticons.

Playful arguments are surefire way to flirt with girls. However, you should use the right strategies. When you are able to engage her in a good argument, you can stretch your discussions by providing teasing responses. If you have a sense of humor, you will capture her heart with ease.

Be a Challenge

You should be in control of the situation. If her texts are boring or silly, it would be best NOT to reply. You're the one who should ask questions and make sure you get great answers. Expect to receive questions as well but don't reveal too much. You can spice your text messages by using emoticons. If you want to highlight something, you can capitalize the words. This is the best way to establish distinction in your text messages.

You can melt the heart of the girl if you can send interesting and fun text messages. Even if your fingers hurt, don't hesitate to communicate with the girl to generate positive responses.

No Response?

What if you're not getting any responses? This can mean that your text messages are not that good or you're probably not using the right techniques. Try to send different text messages until you find the one that she might be interested in. You see, each person is different and so girls differ from one another as well. If despite your efforts she still does not reply, forget about her and look for other girls. She's not the only one for you and if you're patient enough, you can find the best girl in town!

Never harass any girl through text messages. This is not only unethical but it's a very wrong move that can ruin your reputation among girls. Have you ever heard about 'girl talk'? Girls usually tell one another of their secrets and if you have a bad attitude, the word will circulate immediately. Know your limitations and be sure to treat the opposite sex nicely. Get your phone and find out the number of the girl you like.

Still Got Questions?

Reading Men - The Body Language Decoder

Have you ever been interested in a guy but just can't tell if the feeling is mutual? Have you ever wondered what he is thinking but just can't tell? Wouldn't it be great if you could just read a guy and know what he's thinking? Well, you are in luck! There is a way to tell what a guy is thinking by simply reading his body language. Read on to find out how!

Very few women have any idea on how to tell what a man's body language says about what he is thinking. This results in confusion and frustration. There are three basic body language cues that can tell you if he's into you or not.

1. Pay attention to his upper body

No matter what a guy is doing or who he is talking to, his upper body will tell you what he is thinking. If you notice that his chest and shoulders are pointed towards you, he's telling you he's interested without even saying a word! Don't worry. He isn't even aware of the fact that he is doing it. Of course, now you know his true romantic intentions.

2. Fireworks

Do his eyes light up when you talk? Is there a sparkle in his eyes when the two of you are engaged in conversation? If so, he's completely into you. This sparkling is an indicator that tells you just how hot his flame burns for you. If you aren't noticing the fireworks, make sure you order an expensive dessert to make your time worth it because you're probably not seeing him again

3. The Stare

Have you noticed a "deer in the headlights look"? Do you find him staring at you for long moments? This could be an indicator that he's into you. However, be very wary of this signal. This signal is actually used by men with no romantic intentions. They just happen to know that women fall for it. In this instance, take the time to get to know him first. Once you are certain of his intentions, feel free to proceed.

4. A Little Tilt

When he is talking to you, does he tilt his head slightly in one direction or the other? This could be a big indicator that he is into you. If you think about it, we tilt our head to one side when we kiss. What a way to read, "I like you"!

Sex Appeal - How to Use Text Messaging to Create Sexual Tension

Do you want to create sexual tension with someone that you're interested in? Do you want to leave that person thinking constantly about you? Are you unsure of how to use today's technology in your benefit to create sex appeal? Text messaging is a communication form that has some astounding benefits when one wishes to create sexual tension. However, doing it wrong can lead a person to think you are toying with them or not interested. Read this to find out how to get that fire burning!

-Excitement is built through anticipation. Waiting to reply to a text builds anticipation for both parties. As hard as it might be to not send a reply right away, make yourself wait! It will pay off in the end!

- Avoid long messages. This creates boredom. Instead, use short and witty comments. This will keep your receivers attention.

- Just before going on a date, send a text. Make a simple comment about how you can't wait to see them. This will get the excitement going before they even walk through the door.

- Be a tease. Don't be afraid to do a little gentle teasing. This makes the seduction game more fun!

- Don't leave them waiting too often or too long. This can lead to feelings that you are playing a game or not interested. This can risk losing the person altogether.

The reality is, the more available something is, the less its value. The less available something is, the more valuable it is. Use this philosophy when creating sexual tension and you will have your guy on his toes!

Blow His Mind! - How to Be a Better Kisser

Are you nervous about that first kiss? Do you want to blow his mind with your first kiss? Do you want to improve your kissing technique? Kissing is something that should be both fun and enjoyable. However, being a bad kisser can damage the potential of landing another date. So, read on and learn how to nail the first kiss as well as every kiss after!

1. Freshen your breath

Although your partner isn't as concerned with your breath as you are, fresh breath will give you an extra edge of confidence.

2. Beware of extra saliva

Take the time to swallow any excess saliva when he's not looking. This will avoid the embarrassing situation of a sloppy kiss. Also, make sure that your lips are only slightly moist. Too much moisture can be a bad thing.

3. Relax

Being overly tense will bleed into your kissing. It will cause your lips to be tense as well as your body. Kissing is supposed to be enjoyable, so relax!

4. Make it sensual

Kissing goes much further than just your lips. It is a full body movement. When kissing, touch his hair or his arms gently. Kissing with your body as well as your lips can really turn up the heat.

5. Leave your options open

Some people actually think that French kissing is gross. Others prefer this method of kissing. In order to avoid grossing him out, leave your options open. Parting your lips slightly lets him know that you are open to the idea of French kissing without grossing him out.

6. Slow down your tempo

Slowing down will make the kiss more sensual and help to break the nervousness. Slowing down also heightens the experience and tells him that you are enjoying yourself.

7. Make sure your kiss is wanted

To avoid total embarrassment, make sure that your kiss is warranted. He may not be comfortable enough for a kiss yet. Some ways to pick up on the fact that he wants to kiss you is if he tilts his head while talking to you or starts fidgeting. These are nervous habits to avoid dealing with the rejection from you.

The most important thing behind kissing is to have fun! If you simply relax and enjoy yourself, he will too!

Text Dating - What to Do When He Doesn't Text You Back

Did you meet a great guy that you aren't getting a text back from? Do you wonder what you should do? Are you unsure of whether to text him again or not? Text messaging has become an easier and more convenient way of communicating. Despite this well known fact, men just don't tend to be as into texting as women. This isn't to say he won't text you. He may just not be into it. So, here are some steps in how to handle it when he's not texting you back.

- Wait for him to reply. It may not even be an issue of him blowing you off. He could be with friends, at work, or just not have his phone with him. If he comes back to see that you have sent him a dozen or so messages, he will get a message that you're too needy.

- Keep it simple. Don't send him a page long text message. Just let him know that you're thinking about him. This will keep him from getting overwhelmed.

- Don't ask him why he isn't texting you. If you call him out on not replying, he will feel cornered and once again perceive you as needy.

- Wait to reply. When he finally does reply, avoid instantly replying. This will communicate to him that you are just as busy as he is. He will see you're not desperate and haven't been sitting around all day waiting for his reply. Besides, the anticipation of what you will say will make him wonder what you're up to.

Does He Want a Relationship? - How to Read Him Like a Great Novel

Ah, love. It is wonderful - but you need to know the truth. Does he want a relationship? Is it a meaningful one? Is it what you want? What does your future hold?

What does he say about your relationship? Has he given you a proposal, a commitment and a wedding date? Does he talk about being a couple and what the future holds for the 2 of you? If he talks about these things, it seems as though the answer is yes to the question of does he want a relationship?

Is He Just Looking for a Hook Up? When we attract men, it could be that they want romance. But it could be that they want to use us. Is he just looking for a fling? Is he putting the moves on you? Has he said he is looking for friends with benefits arrangements? Does he want a relationship that is meaningful?

Is He Just After Your Money? Does he ask you for money? Is he more subtle in that he says things that let you know that he wants money? Does he repay you when you lend it to him? Does he want a relationship that is purely financial?

Does He Support You Emotionally? When you have a problem, what happens? For example, if you disagree with him, does he get angry? Does he suddenly have an edge to his voice? When you make a guy fall in love and make him commit to you, he will not act like this. Does he want a relationship where you get the emotional support you need?

Does He Come to You? If you are both at a party, or you are both in a room, does he come over to you, or do you have to go over to him? Are you talking to him, or is it just you talking to him?

Does He Bring You Gifts? Are they thoughtful gifts, like chocolate, flowers or perfume? Does he want a relationship that is romantic?

Is He Into You? Does he call or text you often, or does he expect you to call or text him? Does he see chick flicks with you, or is he only interested in his own likes and dislikes?

Does he want a relationship?

He probably does. But what kind is it? Is that what you want?

Let Him Know He's Wanted - The Right Way to Tell Him You're Interested

Have you finally a guy and you want to let him know you're interested? Are you trying to let him know you're interested but it seems that you're sending him mixed signals? If you are having difficulty in getting a guy to notice you, you are not alone. Many women are unsure of how to let a guy know she's interested without sending mixed signals. This article will give you the three main ways to let a guy know he's wanted!

1. Teasing:

While too much teasing or harsh teasing can make a guy think you're just mean, subtle teasing can let him know you're interested. Showering him too much with compliments will make him think you're being fake, so break the ice with a little teasing!

2. Flirt:

Flirting is definitely an art. A good flirt can have guys falling over her. The secret to flirting is confidence. Some easy ways to flirt are to make eye contact, smile, or prolong a handshake. When the two of you are talking in a loud place, talk in your normal voice. Get him to lean in close. Touch his arm or hand when you're talking. These are just a few examples of how you can flirt with confidence!

3. Let him chase you:

Men LOVE chasing after women. So, let him. Your job is to flirt and let him know you're interested and then just keep it going. Let him be the one to ask you out or ask for your number. It might take him a little while if he's shy or nervous, but eventually he'll get the idea.

Can You Handle a Casual Relationship? - There's Something You Should Know First

Are you considering a casual relationship? Do you want to avoid the commitment of a relationship but still have the benefits that come with one? Do you think you can avoid an emotional attachment in a casual relationship? Casual relationships didn't become popular for women until the 1960's. Ever since then, women have been engaging in casual relationships just like their opposite gender partners. This sounds great, but is this having a negative effect on women?

A casual relationship sounds great on the outside. You get to avoid the commitment of a relationship and still enjoy the sexual intimacy that comes with a relationship. However, this "no strings attached" relationship goes both ways. In most casual relationships, both partners are free to have other partners. For some men, this is multiple partners. Men tend to be able to more easily separate sex from love. Women, on the other hand are emotional creatures during sex. This creates a bit of a problem when it comes to drawing the line.

The "love chemical" in your brain is called oxytocin. This chemical is released during certain activities, one activity is sex. This chemical is stronger in women due to the fact that it is also found in her reproductive organs and breasts. This is the reason that women tend to have a harder time separating the act of sex from the feelings of love.

This is where the problem comes in. If you are trying to avoid the commitment of a relationship, you are assuming that you won't form any emotional attachments to your partner. Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against you. Once these feeling start forming, how will you handle it when he walks out the door, knowing that he could be with other women while you two are apart?

Ultimately, the decision is yours. However, it is important that you are aware of the possible feelings that could occur despite your best efforts. So, if those feelings start, the question is, can you handle it?

Leave Something to the Imagination - How to Dress to Impress a Guy

Do you want to get a guy's attention with the way you dress? Do you want to steal the attention of men by dressing up? Do you know what's important about getting a guy's attention? Dressing up can make you feel confident and attractive. However, there are some very important rules that you need to know about dressing to get a guy's attention.

It's all about attitude. You can dress any way you want, but if you aren't confident in yourself, a guy will see right through your outfit and makeup. There is a huge difference between dressing to get a guy and keeping him.

Leave something to the imagination. You can accent your best features without looking trampy or trashy. When you're showing too much, you give the perception of looking either easy or desperate. If you want a guy to take you seriously, dress in ways that will make you look good without making you feel cheap.

Play up your assets. Do you have great legs? Wear a knee length skirt to draw attention to them. What about a really fit body? Wear a tank top and skirt or shorts. This will point out your physique without revealing too much skin.

When you are trying on outfits, be choosy. Pick something that makes you feel comfortable and confident but looks good on you. Notice your skin tones and what colors look best. Always dress appropriately for the weather and any activity that you might be doing. Nothing looks sillier than a girl who's going to a rodeo in heels and an evening gown!

Remember, you want to send the message that you are confident and sexy without looking desperate. It's not as difficult as we make it out to be sometimes. It just takes a little thought and effort. You also have to be sure that you aren't compromising your integrity just to get a guy to notice you. Your personality is what will keep him in the end.

Get Your Man to Reveal His True Feelings - Make Him Confide in You

It is the age old problem - how to get your man to reveal his true feelings.

What can you do if he clams up and does not want to talk? What is the problem? There is a solution and you have come to the right place for it.

Why is This a Problem?

You want a soul mate. You want a lover and friend. You want a real boyfriend and husband; someone to share your life. You want to get your man to reveal his true feelings, or it may seem like your lives are separate.

What is the Problem?

It may be that you are having a hard time to get your man to reveal his true feelings because he is insecure. Maybe he has been teased his whole life (by other men) whenever he has mentioned that he had feelings about anything.

Are You Adding to the Problem?

When he does talk about his feelings, how do you react? Do you make fun? Do you make a joke of it? Or do you thank him? If you want to get your man to reveal his true feelings, you have to make sure that it is not uncomfortable for him to do so.

So, What Can You Do?

Say things like this to him - I understand. Or you could say that you know how he feels. You could just say something like, I see. But you need to treat him the way you would like to be treated when you reveal something to him.

He Loves You

He will appreciate having someone that he can trust with his heart. Showing an understanding attitude can really help to get your man to reveal his true feelings to you.

How to Attract Any Man - 5 Things That Drive Men Crazy!

Are you having a hard time attracting men? Do you want to know how to get a guy's affection? Are you clueless as to what it is that men really want? Attracting men is really more simple that women make it out to be. We over-think and over-do when men really are simple in their desires. There are five basic things that you can do that will get a man's attention.

1. Be yourself

Men are attracted to a woman that is unique. He needs to know what it is about you that separates you from every other woman he sees every day. Instead of trying to pretend to be someone you're not, show him your true colors. Do you have a great sense of humor? Are you intelligent? Play these up and let him have a taste of just how special you really are.

2. Appeal to his senses

Wear something that is soft to the touch. Wear a light but alluring perfume. Wearing a scent that is sexy and soft will leave him smelling you long after you have walked away.

3. Body language

When you talk to him, make an effort to lean in his direction. Touch his arm when engaged in conversation. This will give him the signal that you are most definitely into him.

4. Laugh out loud

Don't try to hard with cheesy jokes or being unnatural. But if there is an opportunity in which you can make him laugh, go for it! Laughing releases chemicals in the brain called serotonin. These chemicals give a feeling of happiness and well being.

5. Mind your manners

When you talk to him, don't engage in gossip or trash talk anyone. Avoid talking about other men, clothes, makeup, and money. These topic discussions turn a man off quickly! Treat others and yourself with kindness. He will find you more attractive for it.

Take Control of Your Relationship - Stop Feeling Like a Doormat!

Do you feel powerless in your relationship? Do you feel like nothing you want or need matters? Do you desperately need to know how to regain some of the control in your relationship? Relationships are meant to have shared control. If one person has all of the control, the other person tends to feel hurt and unimportant. If you have found that you have no control in your relationship and desperately need to even the balance, try these tips.

- Say no to unreasonable requests. You don't have to be a doormat in order for him to love you.

- Assume your responsibility. Many women think they need to do whatever a man wants for him to love her. This isn't true. If you were doing this, then assume your responsibility and take actions to change it.

- Don't assume that he controls to hurt you. If you allowed him to take control in fear of him not loving you, he assumed that this was what you wanted. He was trying to accommodate you. This is where you need to talk to him and tell him how you really feel.

- Allow yourself some "me" time. We all need time to be an individual. Spend time doing things that make you happy, alone. This can help to make your relationship stronger and more satisfying.

- Set boundaries. Know what you are comfortable with letting him control. Likewise, know what you are not comfortable letting him control. Have a discussion with him about these feelings and work on a compromise. Remember, he needs to have control to feel important too.

- Now that you have a balance, stick by it. Don't compromise just because you feel he wants you to or because you're afraid of hurting him. When you say you need control in an area, mean it!

Setting control boundaries will not only help you to feel better, but it will also help him to respect you more as an individual. A relationship is a team effort, and he will enjoy seeing you do your part!

Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.

How to Text a Girl You Like

Some men find it hard to approach a girl. Whether you're young or old, you should know the right techniques to use if you want to text a girl you like. The first time is always intimidating but you can get over that feeling by using some tips. If you are truly interested in a girl, it is important that you get her number.

To Call or To Text?

You have two options to get the cell phone number - ask her yourself or you ask her friends. The latter can be creepy and unless she has a crush on you, there is a high chance that she might not reply to your test messages or even your calls. It would be a smooth and cool move to ask for her number personally. If she gives you her number, there is hope that she's interested as well. Now, she has a reason to expect for your texts and you will not be intruding her privacy.

To some girls, it's quite alright to get their numbers indirectly but what if she hardly knows you? Build your confidence and ask for her number personally. This will show her that you have good intentions and that you're a man who knows what he wants.

Patience is a Virtue

You have to wait. Being patient is very important. You can send her flirtatious text messages but don't overdo it. The text will inform her that you're thinking about her every now and then. Don't expect an immediate response. You're lucky if you can get an instant reply and this can be an indication that she likes you. Here's another example - if you text her that you're going to call at a certain time, postpone it for another day. When you call, she'd be dying to speak with you. If she asks you why you were not able to call the other day like you promised, tell her that something important came up. Don't treat her like a queen yet; making her long for your voice or your text is quite effective.

Find out what will work for the girl - a text message or phone call. Old fashioned girls usually prefer men who call them up over the phone rather than receiving a text. Try to observe her and if she's texting most of the time, this can be a great tool to get a date.

Make a Lasting First Impression

Making a good first impression is vital. What are the things that interest her? If you got her number by asking it personally, you'll know what to say. You can ask her directly for a date or you can request for her to accompany you on a certain event or activity. On your first text message, don't forget to inform her who you area or where you've met her.

After introduction, you can now send her interesting messages. You send it at night, before going to bed. This will let her know that you're interested. Be careful with your responses and be sure to keep the conversation fun. Find great text messages that apply to your particular situation.

7 Signs a Man Wants to Marry You? Look For These Signs & Understand What He Truly Wants to Do

Have you been in a state of tension wondering if he is going to ask you to marry him? It is only natural if you are. Very often after a woman has been dating a particular man for a long time, she nurtures a longing to be his wife. If he fails to ask her to be his wife, she is heartbroken and disillusioned. Here are some ways to know if he is going to pop the question.

Don't assume to know what his feelings for you are
Till he tells you loud and clear that he loves you and intends to marry you, or at gives you broad hints as to his intentions - don't come to any conclusions of your own as you could be setting yourself up for a disappointment. Look for the signs instead of counting your chickens before they hatch.

He will constantly talk of the future
A man who is not afraid of commitment or marriage will not be afraid of talking of the future. His plans will always include you. This means that he has already made up his mind where you are concerned and you can safely assume that you have a future with him.

He will want his family to know you
If he has made up his mind to have you as his wife, he will want to introduce you to his family. He will go out of his way to see that his family knows the woman he loves and intends to marry. He will also make sure that you are introduced to his closest friends and you will see the pride and love he has for you in his eyes.

He will be comfortable talking about weddings and rings
He will not shy away from the topic of weddings and other things that you would like to discuss. He will in fact be ready to discuss stuff like whether he believes in a church wedding or if he likes big weddings! These topics will not frighten him away and if he intends to ask you to marry him, he will even be the first to talk about these things.

He will start getting more responsible
You will find that he has changed for the better. Not only will he become more responsible where finances are concerned, but he will start trying to show you how you can depend on him to be there for you. He will want to prove his worth and make you comfortable with the idea of marrying him.

He will give you priority in his life
Once he starts getting serious about you, you will be the first priority in his life. His friends and everyone else will take second and third place! Once you see him giving you all his attention and importance you should know that you mean a lot to him. Besides he will start talking of you and him as a couple.

He will seem edgy and excited if he wants to propose
If he has been walking around with an engagement ring in his pocket, he is bound to let the cat out of the bag sooner or later. His manner will give him away. He will be on edge, look happy and excited and treat you like you are the most precious person in his life. If he has booked a table at the most romantic restaurant and has asked you to be ready for the surprise of your life - you can expect a proposal!

How to Text With a Girl You Like

The cellular phone is one of the most popular devices these days. With its portable nature, any one can carry it all the time regardless of where they are going. Young kids, students, teens, and professionals usually carry mobile phones everyday. This is an excellent way to stay connected but did you know that you can also use it for generating dates?

This might sound funny to you but the truth is a lot of guys were able to win the hearts of women through text messaging. Calling can be a bit costly but if you send text messages, you can save a lot depending on your network. Texting is common these days and it's time to use this tool to your advantage.

Keep it Short and Playful

When texting girls, you have to keep the message short, witty, and playful; this is to ensure that she's happy and will laughing at your jokes. It is important that you exhibit confidence. It wouldn't be a great idea to ask the girl if she's interested or not. Find ways to extend the conversation by challenging the things she says. For instance, if she tells you that she's a good cook, you can dare her to prove it.

Asking Her on a Date

If you want to ask for a date, try to tell her that you're planning to do something and it would a lot of fun if she joins you. You don't have to talk seriously all the time because this can be boring over time; instead, try to have fun even when you're texting. Never linger too long. If you have a lot of fun in changing message over the phone, you can end the night with a good excuse. This will leave her thinking about you all night long. It's up to you whether you will let her send the last message for the night or you can send it. Don't forget to tell her that she'll hear from you soon.

Things to Remember

Now that you know the things you should do, you should also be aware of the things that you need to avoid. Never reveal too much about yourself in the text messages. It's fine that you ask her questions but be sure to get a lot of questions in return. You don't have to answer all her queries but make it polite. You should always maintain a good etiquette even over the phone. If the girl does not reply to your text messages, don't text her with bad words or statements. Again, be patient. Who knows, perhaps her phone does not have enough credits to reply to your messages or she's busy at the moment.

Learn how to speak politely and you must impress the girl with good manners. Girls love men with a sense of humor and you can attract her attention if you can tell great or exciting stories. There are many text messages that you can send. A quick search online can provide you with the most appropriate text message that you can use to generate positive attention. Start texting today!

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