How to Get a Guy to Want You - 3 Hot Proven Techniques to Making Him Mad With Lust

The ultimate desire for any female out there is to attract the guy that she is after. If you're one of those people and you want to know how to get a guy to want you, then you've come to the right place! You know those women who are able to seemingly attract any guy that she's after with what appears to be virtually no effort whatsoever?
Isn't that annoying?
Well, thankfully the art of getting guys can be taught and then as such learnt by anyone who wants to give it a go. There are three techniques that most people agree on work well, work extremely well as a matter of fact and you can start using them as soon as you want to. Ready to attract any guy and make him mad with lust?
#1 - Expand Your Persona
Those women that seem to be able to get any guy that they want all seem to have one thing in common - they are larger then life. You agree with me, right? An active, an interesting and exciting personality is utterly essential for attracting the man that you are after. No guy wants a slob or a boring person to be with. Nope, he wants someone who is utterly enthralling, someone who lives life up every second of everyday. This probably isn't a transformation that will take place over night and that's not something that it should be. But it is something to work on.
#2 - Make Him Feel... Nice
You ever wondered why people go to theme parks? The obvious and correct answer is that they make them happy. People are drawn back time and time again because theme parks make people feel really good. You're not a theme park of course, you're a women who wants to know how to get a guy to want you! The lesson in it though is to make him feel good when he's around you. Tell jokes and stories, laugh, pay him compliments and anything else that makes him feel good when he's around you. If you can do that, then he will want to feel more of those feelings, and come back to you.
#3 - Flirt
Don't be obvious, have some fun with it. Let him know that you're interested in him. You don't want to be running round totally obvious, no shoving it in his face, but just a casual hint now and again that you're interested. If you're an interesting person, you make him feel good AND you let him know that you're keen, then he's bound to be lured like nothing ever before.
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