How to Act to Get a Man? Your Behaviour Plays a Major Role in Keeping a Man Attracted to You

You must have seen some women get any man they want and wondered to yourself what is it that these women have that you don't? If you find yourself thinking this way then instead of wondering more read on and find out about the ways that you need to act to get a man.
Dress to impress
The first step to get a man to notice you is by looking great. You have to make sure that you wear clothes that really fit you and help in accentuating your best assets. You must never act uncomfortable in the clothes that you are in as that will put a man off you.
Look busy and interesting
You have to act busy as you don't want to put up an appearance of a boring person. An interesting person naturally is surrounded by people so don't hang around looking like you have no purpose, are bored and don't know what to do with yourself.
Have a confident air about yourself
Men are attracted to women who let off an air of confidence. So be sure of yourself and have a positive and confident body language. Don't fidget and sit with your arms closed. Have a positive attitude and let that reflect in your body language.
Don't hesitate to make the move
You are a woman of today and hence you should have no qualms to walk up to a guy and start having a conversation. Don't act desperate though. Know what you are going to say and again, act confident. Men love women who are ready to make the first move.
Have a fun way to start the conversation
Make sure you have a good conversation starter. Cheesy lines have to be avoided at all costs. Don't begin with a gushing compliment but don't hesitate to use wit to give him one and begin your conversation. One good way is to just be direct and ask him if he is by himself or if he is expecting company. You could even send over a drink and have him come to you. The key is in being different and confident about what you are doing.
Be engaging, entertaining, sexy
When you start to talk to him, you have to create your impression. While acting coy is a good idea you should also know where to stop. Have the perfect balance of fun, humor and sex appeal.
Don't make your life an open book
There has to be some information exchange when you are talking but tell him everything about yourself and he will never call you again. Keep the element of mystery to get a man.
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