Text Dating - What to Do When He Doesn't Text You Back

Did you meet a great guy that you aren't getting a text back from? Do you wonder what you should do? Are you unsure of whether to text him again or not? Text messaging has become an easier and more convenient way of communicating. Despite this well known fact, men just don't tend to be as into texting as women. This isn't to say he won't text you. He may just not be into it. So, here are some steps in how to handle it when he's not texting you back.
- Wait for him to reply. It may not even be an issue of him blowing you off. He could be with friends, at work, or just not have his phone with him. If he comes back to see that you have sent him a dozen or so messages, he will get a message that you're too needy.
- Keep it simple. Don't send him a page long text message. Just let him know that you're thinking about him. This will keep him from getting overwhelmed.
- Don't ask him why he isn't texting you. If you call him out on not replying, he will feel cornered and once again perceive you as needy.
- Wait to reply. When he finally does reply, avoid instantly replying. This will communicate to him that you are just as busy as he is. He will see you're not desperate and haven't been sitting around all day waiting for his reply. Besides, the anticipation of what you will say will make him wonder what you're up to.
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