Double Your Dating Ebook

If you are interested in the Double Your Dating ebook by David DeAngelo then you should read this article. It will give you a quick overview of what's inside and what is missing.
First of all, it starts out by attempting the impossible: trying to help men to understand women. The main takeaway from this chapter is really drilling home that you have to stop trying to make sense out of women. Because the simple reality is that women do not make sense. Their behavior and their emotions do not follow anything that is logical or reasonable. But you can nonetheless understand them if you just learn about the inner workings of a woman's mind.
The next chapter of the Double Your Dating ebook covers how to communicate with women. It really is true that women communicate in a very different way than men do. Simply understanding this will give you an advantage about 80% of all men out there.
The most important point here is really to communicate with confidence. Nothing kills attraction faster than when you communicate insecurity or neediness.
You also should know that women "test" men - and you want to be able to recognize these tests and pass them easily. The author of the book, David Deangelo, claims that women (and this is especially true for attractive women) will use all kinds of behavior to find out how much they can get away with. For example, are you the kind of man who will put up with bossy behavior? How easily will you give away your personal power? If you stay in control even if she disapproves of something you said or did, then this something that creates attraction.
Other topics the Double Your Dating ebook includes body language for flirting, conversation topics on dates, tips for a great date, and how to "get physical". In total, the book is 148 pages long, so that is a lot of information, tips and advice. However, he has structured the information in a way that makes it easy to digest and you do not need to read the book from cover to cover. You can for example just open the chapter on "Where To Meet Women" and will find three pages filled with ideas on where to meet women.
The one thing that is really missing from this book is a collection of good pick-up lines. David DeAngelo claims that he has not included any pick-up lines on purpose, because he things that if you follow the advice in his book, you will not need to rely on prepackaged sentences. While this is true, it would surely have made it easier for beginners to get some real world experience quickly.
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