Why Do Men Suddenly Withdraw From a Relationship? These Tips Will Clear All Your Doubts

If you are feeling as though you have been hit with a sledgehammer and are still reeling from the shock and realization that your man has suddenly withdrawn from the relationship, know that you are not the first one to feel like this and you won't be the last! Men are known for leaving their woman high and dry. The reasons could be any one of those listed below.
He felt that you assumed too much
If you read too much into the relationship and assumed that he was okay with planning a future together, you could have been wrong. The fact that you behaved like he had already proposed to you, and made plans for the future could have given him a shock of his life. He has withdrawn because he was not ready for it.
He did not like the person you turned into
Sometimes women change drastically after they manage to "hook" their guy. They let their true colors show and say and do things that are opposite to what they did before! This change of personality can surprise the guy and he could find that he does not like the real identity of the woman and thus withdraw before it is too late.
He had a totally different idea about the relationship
It is wise not to take things for granted or assume too much till he tells you in so many words that he is serious about you. What you think are signs of true love may just be infatuation on his part. He will withdraw if he realizes that you think differently.
He finds that he does not come up to her expectations
Too many times a man finds himself put on a pedestal and cannot handle the situation. He feels too stressed out trying to keep up appearances and finally breaks under the pressure and withdraws from the relationship.
He just isn't ready for a deeper commitment
This is the most common reason as to why a man withdraws. He is not ready to lose his freedom as yet and the very thought of being tied down to one woman frightens him away. He feels that you are too pushy and demanding and hence cannot commit him self.
He finds you wanting
This reason could hurt you terribly for no woman wants to be told that she is not good enough for him. However the fact still remains that if he finds you wanting then he won't commit to a long term relationship and will withdraw from the relationship the first chance he gets. If you have been selfish and inconsiderate then you have only yourself to blame.
He can't handle the responsibility
Some times it dawns on the man that he would have to shoulder a lot of responsibilities if he hangs around. If he is the type of person who refuses to be accountable and shirks all responsibilities there is not way he is going to continue in a relationship for long.
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