How to Get a Guy to Want You - 4 Tips to Make Him Go Mad About You

Many women out there suffer from the same problem - how to get a guy to want them. You probably are thinking the same thing, wanting to know how to get a guy to want you. Sometimes it can all seem pretty crazy. Filled up with all this passion and crazy energy can lead you to some pretty strange decisions, so take a deep breath, calm down and read this article for some fantastic tips on how to get a guy to want you. You can get any guy to go mad if you push the right buttons, trust me.
#1 - Relax
As kind-of-mentioned above, the most essential thing that you can do when going after a guy is to relax. The guy will be driven away if you come across too desperate or too needy in appearance. Plus you won't be thinking too clearly and that's never a good thing! You make all kinds of mistakes when you're not thinking straight.
#2 - Develop Yourself
No need to join a centre for self improvement here, anyone can change their own life if they have a good enough reason and motivation. Does getting this guy sound like a good enough reason for mixing things up? The guy wants a women with an interesting life, not one who will stifle him and block him from doing stuff. Plus, having an interesting life means better ice-breaker conversations with the man!
#3 - Let Him Have Fun
This step is crucial to getting a good solid foundation with the man. So many people skip this step and then wonder why things aren't going to plan. If you want to know how to get a guy to want you then you simply have to understand this part. Become friends with the guy. And not just a friend. Make him feel genuinely good when he's around you and you're off to a better start then most people. Be around him. Make him laugh. And he'll keep coming back for more.
#4 - Don't Get In His Way
Many girls appear like they are going to become 'clingers' and while for some guys this is cute, for the most part he will just find it annoying. He's a free guy and will want to remain that way as much as he can. Never set him boundaries. And if you do ever get together, never EVER become one of those people that could not survive properly without him.
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