What Are the Factors Which Pulls a Man Towards a Woman? Here is What You Need to Know Right Now

It might seem a little strange but guys do have a lot of intuitive abilities than they get credit for. Intuition is usually considered to be a woman's strong point and sure enough in most cases women are able to spot whether a guy is good or bad. Men have that ability too - it just takes a little while for them to grasp the significance of their 'reads'.
So what are the things that attract a man:
External appearance: This is the very start of any potential relationship. If you are a well dressed, elegant and well groomed lady, you are bound to grab eyeballs. A tiny bit of skin being flashed (in an appropriate setting) will add tremendously to the sex appeal. But remember less is more!
Confidence go a long way: Men like it when women take charge. So if it is matter of returning that admiring gaze or even sending over a drink to him, these are indicators to a man that you are not afraid and are confident about yourself as a woman and as a person.
That look on your face: Some women are immaculately dressed and groomed but men are still put off by them. It is likely that their facial expression is not exactly the sort that invites an interested look. It is possible that some internal stress or conflict is playing out externally which is throwing off potential interest.
Non verbal communication: Body language is a very crucial aspect in the dating/mating process. A flick of hair and a light touch on his arm will appeal to him at a sub-conscious level.
Eyes give it away: Eyes are the window to our soul it is said and this is true as far as women attracting men is concerned. If you are generally a happy person, this will reflect in your eyes and make you look even more attractive to men. Smile more often and this will increase your attractiveness quotient.
Companionship: Guys always look for women who they are comfortable hanging out with. The ability to provide companionship is very important to them. It does not mean you have to be one of the guys but it helps if you are comfortable in their presence.
Stop whining: The surest way to turn a guy off is to be whining and grumpy all the time. The occasional mood swing is understandable and even expected but constant complaining or negativity is something which will not attract a guy to you.
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