How to Keep a Good Man? Do it This Way and He Will Never Leave You For Any Other Woman

You are with your dream guy and everything is just dandy and wonderful. Do you sometimes worry, though, that this may be too good to last? You are aware that every girl out there is looking for exactly the kind of guy you are with right now. Here are a few tips to keep that perfect relationship going.
Give him space - While men like spending time with their girlfriends, they need breathers too. Most men prefer to have some alone time or time out with their friends. Do not make him feel guilty for spending some time away from you.
Be your own person - Take your own decisions. It irritates men if you just agree with everything they say. It makes them think you do not have an opinion. Men also like women who have a life of their own, rather than those who want to spend all their spare time hanging out with their boyfriends.
Communicate your feelings clearly - It has been said enough, but it is worth saying again - men are not mind readers. They are also more often than not less sensitive to the feelings of the people around them as compared to women. So, you will need to convey your feelings loud and clear.
Show him respect - A good man will always respect the women around him and he, in turn, expects people to respect him too. That means no cuddly nicknames in public. It is important to put up a good public appearance for the benefit of his family and friends even though you may not always like them.
Do not be too materialistic - Being too focused on materialistic things makes a man feel that he may have to spend his entire life fulfilling your demands. This will certainly push a man away from you.
Ask him what makes him happy - Unlike women, men do not expect their partners to intuit their feelings. If you ask him what he likes, he will only be too glad to let you know.
Do not neglect your looks - It is easy to let go of yourself when you are happy. You know this is only a passing phase before you regain control over your life. However, your man may not understand that. Besides, looking good does wonders for your confidence and boosts your self-esteem. So hit the gym often and take care of your appearance.
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