How to Ask Out a Girl on a Date

There are times in our life when we suddenly have an unexpected desire to learn how to ask out a girl. If you really attracted to a certain girl and thinking of bringing your relationship with her to the next level, asking her out is an important step. You really want that "yes" answer that you start planning about all kind of things to make sure you get it: location, moment, words, etc. Sadly, this "seek for flawlessness" is where you (and the rest of us) screwed up.
Before asking a girl out, make sure she has at least a little bit of interest with you. Generally, the simplest way to read the sign is through her body language such as eye contact, facial expression, or light physical contact (hitting you playfully and such). If she stays mysterious and you cannot decide her feeling to you, simply do it; there are several things that you will never know if you don't try.
Actually, this is how you out a girl on a date: talk to her directly. Asking her directly is the very best approach and by being straightforward, she will respect you for your self confidence. Obviously, this does not imply that she will certainly accept your invitation, but at least you will gain her respect.
Just like I mentioned above, if you still confused about how to ask out a girl on a date, suddenly you think that stuff like moment, place, and so on become essential factor that can decide the outcome. Although they do have some affects, you shouldn't let it stressed you out. If you find it hard to have solo conversation with her, do not wait for the chance that may never occurs. Just make sure she isn't occupied at the moment and said "can I talk with you for a sec?" and bring her away from everyone else.
Skip the formalities, bypass the compliment; say what you need to say RIGHT AWAY. Lengthen it will only make you much more nervous and while you beating around the bush, she may say "I have to go back to my work/friends/families and you lose your chance. Just say something like "Hey, I'm going to [movies/beach/party/club] [tomorrow/later/next Saturday]. You should come too, it will be fun" or "would you like to go out with me this weekend?" (more straightforward approach). Keep eye contact with her and show your confidence through your body language: stand upright and DO NOT let your hand plays anything, including your hair, cell phone, keys, or anything else.
Occasionally, she'll try to test you by saying "are you asking me for a date?" or "as in a date?"; if this happen, immediately say "yes" rather than working to make excuses to safe your face. Girls like a guy who can back up his words rather than a guy who are making excuses to safe their little pride.
The last thing that you need to know on how to ask out a girl on a date: be ready for rejection. Regardless of how good you prepare yourself beforehand, some things are not meant for you and you must learn to accept it like a man. Tell her "okay" and keep the conversation flow rather than acting depressed and ruin her day with guilt. Show her that you can handle it like a man, not like a boy. You might not secure a date with her (for now), but at least you can win her respect and how she sees you.
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