What Attracts a Man to a Woman - 7 Myths Exposed! You Should Be Aware of This Right Away

Many women, in efforts to attract a man believe things that actually only ruin their chances of ever being with the man of their dreams. Here are seven misconceptions about the attraction between man and woman, and why they aren't good information to believe in.
Guys like the girl that doesn't get noticed.
Wrong. Guys are like fireflies - they go to wherever it glows. If you are beautiful but don't exude confidence and don't glow with charm and life, there isn't much to get to know about you. You do not have to be a supermodel to walk into a room and instantly magnetize men. You just have to be vibrant and must allow people to be near you. If you project that you can't carry or don't want to carry a conversation, then you aren't going to attract any good man soon.
Guys are attracted to the Alpha-Female.
An alpha-female likes to be on top of things. She is confident, earns a lot of money for herself and doesn't depend on anyone to take care of her. Contrary to the myth, this is not what guys are looking for. They want someone who is confident, but sweet and soft on the inside, someone who can be swayed and taken cared of by a man.
Guys are more attracted to women who say no when asked for a first date.
With a million or so other guys in the planet, why would a guy choose a girl who's seemingly uninterested over someone who's spontaneous and shows a lot of interest? Playing hard to get doesn't make you more of a woman, and it doesn't give you more dignity either. You could end up being alone if you overly do it.
Most guys have dream girls.
No. Many guys do not have a set of standards they follow when they look for a girl to be with. One day they like brunettes, then they like blondes. It's not all about the looks, but the attitude that really cuts the deal.
Girls who are straight-forward are attractive and worth keeping.
If you dropped the L word first, do you think you did him a favor and saved him from a nerve-wrecking experience of having to say it first? No. Guys, despite their awkwardness, do want to do things for their partner, when they're ready. They don't like being rushed, and they also hate it when girls do what they were supposed to do.
Guys are all about the physical first.
This is one of the most popular myths about male and female attraction. Guys may be crushing on someone without even being able to point out what they like physically? They are not superficial. A good bunch of them are, but that's no reason to generalize.
Finally, they get cold as time goes by.
It is another popular myth that guys lose interest as time goes by. It is simply because men are known to have short attention span, so a new video game may be getting their interest, or a new movie, but that doesn't mean they love you less and they want you less. Face it - life is diverse, and it can't be intimacy all the time. Just because your man's gone cold doesn't mean he'll stay that way forever and disappear. All you need are great techniques to keep him burning for you.
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