Take Control of Your Relationship - Stop Feeling Like a Doormat!

Do you feel powerless in your relationship? Do you feel like nothing you want or need matters? Do you desperately need to know how to regain some of the control in your relationship? Relationships are meant to have shared control. If one person has all of the control, the other person tends to feel hurt and unimportant. If you have found that you have no control in your relationship and desperately need to even the balance, try these tips.
- Say no to unreasonable requests. You don't have to be a doormat in order for him to love you.
- Assume your responsibility. Many women think they need to do whatever a man wants for him to love her. This isn't true. If you were doing this, then assume your responsibility and take actions to change it.
- Don't assume that he controls to hurt you. If you allowed him to take control in fear of him not loving you, he assumed that this was what you wanted. He was trying to accommodate you. This is where you need to talk to him and tell him how you really feel.
- Allow yourself some "me" time. We all need time to be an individual. Spend time doing things that make you happy, alone. This can help to make your relationship stronger and more satisfying.
- Set boundaries. Know what you are comfortable with letting him control. Likewise, know what you are not comfortable letting him control. Have a discussion with him about these feelings and work on a compromise. Remember, he needs to have control to feel important too.
- Now that you have a balance, stick by it. Don't compromise just because you feel he wants you to or because you're afraid of hurting him. When you say you need control in an area, mean it!
Setting control boundaries will not only help you to feel better, but it will also help him to respect you more as an individual. A relationship is a team effort, and he will enjoy seeing you do your part!
Want to learn more? Go to: 77 Secrets of Love and learn how to make him fall in love with you hopelessly.
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