Does Making Him Jealous Work? Discover If Making Him Jealous Will Get Him to Like You More

Relationships are complicated webs which need maneuvering with care and intelligence. If you are with a man who doesn't value you as much as you deserve or if you want an ex to see what he's missing out on; resorting to jealousy is the only way. While this cards shouldn't be played out often, when used in the right way they do give many positive results.
Work on the indifference
One of the ways to work on your man's indifference is by playing along. He expects you to say something about it. He thinks that you will rant and complain and even fight with him. Don't give him that pleasure. Don't let his indifference matter at all and pretend that it doesn't affect you. He will begin to get jealous of the fact the he is getting more affected than you.
Look like you have a lot going on
Stop focusing on your man and begin to focus on yourself. Pick up your hobby, start going to the gym religiously and generally get busy with your life. Don't complain at all and you will see that he will begin to miss you and will get jealous of your newfound busy status.
Make him feel like he's slipping down your priority list
One of the ways to make him feel jealous is by making him feel like he is slipping down your priority list. Don't ask him if he would like to go to the movies or to some other place with you. Make plans with others and tell him that you 'assumed' that he wouldn't be interested in your 'boring plans'. Come back and talk about what a ball you had.
Start staying up later than he does
Another way to getting him jealous is by starting to stay up later than he does and making sure that you look busy online. He will definitely start to get jealous when he feels that you are replacing him with the internet and find that more interesting.
Start hanging out with your friends especially people he doesn't know
Tell him that you won't be able to go out with him because you have already made plans with some friends. It would help if he didn't really know this group well as that would help in getting the jealousy quotient up. It will also make him realize how he made you feel.
Start taking an interest in some male activity
Walk up to him and start getting details of some male activity like sports. When he asks you why this sudden interest tell him that some guys from your gym or work have been talking and you are interested.
Start focusing on the way you look
Take an active interest in the way you look and don't design your new look according to his tastes. When he sees that you are taking all independent decisions without considering him he will get jealous and get the point you have been trying to make.
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