How to Get a Guy to Want You - 3 Simple Tips You Can Use to Melt His Heart

Do you want to know how to get a guy to want you? All ladies have at some point and you're no exception. I like to think of the skill as an equation, which is one part art, one part science and the other part instinct. Now, you're good to go with that last one which just leaves us to look at the other two. If you perfect the 'science' part of it, then you will also perfect the art part of it. Sound all a bit confusing? Let these three tips below make everything that much clearer, and melt that guy beginning today.
Become Insanely Awesome
You know what those girls who can get any guy they want all have in common with each other? They are all larger then life. They're all awesome. You might not think so and perhaps awesome is the wrong word, but the fact is that they are bright stars in seas of mediocrity. They're different, sometimes very different and that's why the guys like them.
But, there is a little catch to this. NEVER stop being YOU. You're not a dry, boring person. You just have to become you to lose the mediocrity that men hate. You don't have to become someone you're not, in other words.
Make Him Happy
Oh yes, essential one. People come back to things and people that make them happy - it's a proven fact. The key is to make him feel as good as he can when he's around you. Don't put him down, don't joke at his expense, always treat the guy with respect, pay him compliments and make him laugh. The traditional view goes that the male makes the female laugh, but you know what? Tradition just keeps the unexpected from happening. Who wants that? Make him laugh, make him happy and you'll keep him coming back.
Let Him Know
The final tip in the three essential tips on how to get a guy to want you is about letting him know that you're interested in him. After all, you might be awesome, have an active and exciting life, make him feel really good but unless you actually let the guy know by casually flirting with him, he's not going to know anything! That's the kicker in how to get a guy to want you. Smile. Don't shove it in his face. Don't be desperate. Have fun. Enjoy things.
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