Is He Into Me? 5 Surefire Way to Know If the Guy You're Into is Into You

It's a known fact that men take longer than women to share their feelings. It can be tough going trying to get the answer to the question "Is he into me?" There are signs that men display that will let you know if they're really into you and they are not that difficult to spot if you're watching for them.
Here are 5 ways to know if the man you're into is really into you:
He speaks about you to someone else
If anyone tells you that the guy you're interested in has mentioned you or asked about you, then you know he's interested.
He gives you those puppy dog eyes
If you catch him glancing your way with a kind of far off, thoughtful expression in his eyes you'll know he's thinking about you and pondering his next move. If you see him looking at you this way while in a group of people, he's definitely interested. He's keeping tabs on where you are and doesn't want to lose sight of you.
He makes unexpected appearances
All of a sudden you are running into him in unexpected places like the dry cleaner's or the grocery store or just on the street even though he lives on the other side of town. It's pretty much certain then that the answer to your question, "Is he into me?" is yes!
He gets flustered
If the guy you're into gets flustered when he's near you, then you know he's got a thing for you. You knock him off balance and make him nervous which is a good thing. He wants to impress you but is so overwhelmed with what he's feeling he can't control himself.
He wants to know about you
He'll ask questions about you and your life rather than focusing on telling you about himself. He'll question you about things you don't normally think a man would be interested in such as, your favorite color, movies, books, flowers, etc.
He happily does things that inconvenience him
He'll spend time doing things that are inconvenient for him but knows that they'll impress you. He'll pick you up and drop you off, he'll drive your friends places, he'll go grab your dry cleaning and follow your schedule even if he has to rearrange his own. He'll only do this because he is definitely into you!
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