Talk to Any Guy Like a Natural

Are you the kind of girl who can talk to any guy easily or are you the shy type? Do you wish you could express yourself better in front of guys? Do you envy those girls who attract men like flies just because they have the gift of gab? Some girls seem to have just been born with the skill, while others have to learn it. Don't worry, you can be taught how to talk to any guy just like it comes naturally to you.
Guys are Taller than Girls - So What?
Did you know that one of the reasons why talking to guys can be intimidating is simply because they are usually taller than girls? Is that any real reason not to feel confident around guys? You're not playing basketball, after all. Take advantage of your height by using your upturned eyes as a flirting device.
Guys Have Deeper Voices than Girls - So What?
It's a psychological fact that deep voices naturally convey authority. This can be nerve wracking for some people. Once you know that the reason why you're nervous around guys may be because they have deep voices, you can see through the psychological illusion it creates. Use your sweet female voice to charm them into submission.
Make Him Do All the Talking
Are you at a loss for words when you first meet a guy? Instead of trying to think of witty and clever things to say to him, ask him questions about himself. Get him to talk by acting fascinated by everything he says. Before you know it, finding the right responses to him will come easily and naturally.
Choose Your Lines Carefully and You Can Always Walk Away
Choose opening lines that allow you to escape in case panic sets in. A simple question, like, "Where did you get those shoes? My brother wants a pair" will do. That way you can gracefully leave after he answers the question if you have to. Who knows, he may be intrigued enough to approach you first the next time. Better yet, your question might give him the opening he wanted to talk to you. Remember, just because he hasn't talked to you doesn't mean he doesn't want to. He may be shy, too.
This strategy of having an exit plan is also great for giving you the confidence to talk to any guy. The fear of what to say next often prevents us from saying anything to begin with. The old adage, "It's better to try and fail than not to try at all" applies to everything you want to do in life. So does, "practice makes perfect" - so don't give up!
Did this short article about how to talk to any guy help you? Do you want to know more about female and male psychology and how to make it work for you in your love life? There's a lot more where this came from, so stay with us for all the best dating advice!
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