Are You Looking For Tricks to Catch a Man's Attention? Here is What You Need to Read Right Away

Do you find yourself dreaming about that handsome man from the gym or do you fancy your cute new coworker? We bring you some tips and tricks to get the attention of the guy of your dreams.
Be yourself - It is easier to be who you are than to pretend to be someone else. It is also harder to keep up a pretense over a long period of time. Don't fake interest in something just because he likes it. Guys like women who know what they like and dislike.
Smile - If your eyes happen to meet, do not just walk away. That gives him mixed signals. If you find him looking at you, give him a smile. It is a good way to reassure a man that he will not be shot down if he tries to talk to you.
Walk across his line of vision - Chances are that he just has not noticed you. Walk in front of him a few times. If he has also walked into your line of vision several times, he probably likes you and is trying to get your attention too.
Try pursuing a similar activity or hobby - Find a common area of interest and try to pursue an activity that he likes to do. It gives you an innocent reason to strike up a conversation with him and also something to talk about that you know will interest him.
Strike up a friendship - Try to be friends and hang out together. Do not be too available or around him all the time. When you are with him, make sense and pursue an intelligent conversation. It is okay to be blatantly flirtatious only if the guy flirts back. Getting too giggly or flirty can turn some guys off.
Leak the news - If all else fails, let some of his friends know that you like him or confide in a mutual acquaintance who you know will not keep the news to themselves. If he has simply not considered it until now, the knowledge that you find him attractive will certainly give him something to think about.
Dress to kill - There is no need to say that your style of dressing can get you a lot of attention. Be sure to dress up and look cute or attractive. Skimpy dressing may get you his attention, but will not ensure a healthy relationship.
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