How to Make a Man Feel Secure With You? The More Secure He Feels the More He Would Love You

Sometimes it can be hard to deal with a guy who is not secure with you. The biggest toll is then on the relationship as it tends to stagnate. If you want to help your man feel secure here is what you should and should not be doing.
Try to talk to him
The first step to achieve anything is by communicating. Your first step should be to try and talk to him about his insecurities. Don't force him to open up to you as that will make him clamp up even more. Be patient and try to get him to be comfortable talking to you
Show him that he makes you happy
One of the ways to make your man feel secure is by showing him that you are happy with him. Try to think of ways that will impress upon him the fact that it is indeed him and being with him that is responsible for your happiness.
Never use jealousy to prove or make a point
When you are trying to make a man feel secure with you then the one thing that you must 'NEVER' do is to make him feel jealous. Jealousy can cripple the existence of your relationship so don't play that card. He needs to feel that you are not going to replace him and jealousy doesn't help serve this purpose.
Show him that you trust him
You can make your man feel secure by placing your trust in him. Don't doubt him and don't ask him too many questions. Make him feel that you are secure with him and that will also help him feel secure with you.
Do special things for him
When you want to make a man feel secure with you, you have to try and make him feel special. Start doing some simple yet thoughtful things for him. Sometimes inviting his family over, getting along with his friends or watching his favorite movie together instead of going out is enough to make him start feeling secure with you.
Don't push him for commitment
Another thing that makes men insecure is when you push for a commitment. Don't do this if you want him to feel secure. Let the relationship gather its own pace and all that is will follow. Take the pressure off him and see him becoming secure.
Give him respect and understanding
Respect the man you are with and don't make fun of him for no reason. Let him know that you truly respect him and understand his insecurities. Once he gets this assurance, he will begin to get more and more secure with you.
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