Deal Breakers - How Not to Get a Second Date

Are you aware that there are certain deal breakers for men on a first date? Did you know that guys are fully checking into every facet of your personality when deciding if they want to see you again? Have you been on many first dates, but not a lot of second dates? Well now is the time to change course and be successful with the opposite sex. The following is a list of common deal breakers that you need to avoid in order to have a chance with your new crush.
1. Bad Breath
So obvious, but really important nonetheless. Double check for coffee breath or overall bad breath because if you gross him out during your first hello, he won't be able to get past it no matter how cute you look.
2. Be Too Serious
Don't forget to smile. Guys are notoriously silly and more immature than women. You need to get on their level. Relax and let loose a bit and he will enjoy being with you. Laugh, but only at something that you find funny, otherwise you'll appear fake.
3. Talk Too Much
Even if you're super excited and/or nervous, don't try so hard when you're out. Ask him questions about himself and really listen to what he tells you. Don't just sit there trying to think of a funny response - it's not natural. This deal-breaker can get quite annoying; you don't want a guy sitting across from you wondering how long he has to endure your endless chattering.
4. Be an Airhead
Sometimes, women play dumb to get attention. Don't do it! It's ok to ask questions if you really don't understand something, but don't act like you don't know how many innings are played in baseball. This old-fashioned method doesn't work.
Today, guys appreciate and like women who are smart. It's a tough economy and they want to know that you'll be able to pull your own weight, career-wise.
5. Talk About Marriage or Children
You know you want to get married and have kids. He knows you want to get married and have kids. But the first, second, and even third date is the worst time to ever bring up anything having to do with your future plans for a family. Don't even utter the words marriage or kids; you can discuss that topic at a later time...much later.
If you can avoid this list of deal breakers like the plague - you will be well-positioned to have your date counting the minutes until he can see you again.
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