How to Get a Guy to Want You - An Easy Way to Know How

Do you know what a guy really wants?
If you're wondering how to get a guy to want you, then you're probably not so sure of the answer.
Not many women are.
In the passion and the intensity of the feelings that you are experiencing right now, it can be difficult to think straight and to make decisions that will further your relationship with the guy. You're not alone.
But back to that first question.
When a guy is being courted, he wants up to three things.
It's not much.
Not much at all.
But it means the difference between being successful with the guy and not being successful. And I know which side you'd rather be. So how do you become successful?
First, the guy wants you to be yourself. Guys that want you to change aren't to be trusted! Yep, you'll change in a relationship but remaining true to yourself will mean that you can actually stick it together. But never be afraid to compromise if it will move you forward. Always trust your feelings for a situation.
If you're yourself, then you'll be a refreshing change in a sea of averageness.
Secondly the guy does not want to be pressured.
Imagine being targeted by a sales man who wants to sell you this new product. It's incredible, but you have to love it naturally and be with it for a significant period of time.
You're going to want to think about it for a bit, right?
The guy is a real thinking person and will want to spend some time in the courting process before getting into a relationship, so respect that. Just because you're ready to rock and roll doesn't mean that he's ready.
Finally, he's going to want you to respect him for who he is. He's a person and he's not perfect. See that and accept. He's going to make errors and mistakes. He needs just as much love and attention as you do so make sure that you give him that.
Give him space to breath.
Don't be a clinger.
Don't call him every half an hour to pout into the phone.
Give him space, respect him and he will do the same to you. It's not that hard to discover how to get a guy to want you, but it is to actually achieve that. But work at it.
You'll get there.
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