Tips on How to Attract Women - Don't Try Too Hard to Impress a Woman

A really big mistake that most men are guilty of making, is that when they really feel attracted to a woman, they want to impress her too much and they end up trying too hard. Well, when you do that, you start to lower YOUR social value in HER eyes. And that does not bode well for you if you want to know how to attract women, does it?
You have been taught the wrong things ever since you were young about how to attract women. From films to television to the advice that family members will hand out to you, most of it is not in line with what really works to attract a woman. Trying too hard to be the knight in shining armor will usually just end up leaving you feeling tired and drained, and won't make a woman feel much attraction to you at all.
So, what is BETTER than trying too hard to impress a woman?
Having an attitude where you basically don't care whether or not she falls for you. Why would this be much better to have?
Because then you are not spending all of your time thinking of how to impress her, and you can actually do things that WILL make her feel attraction for YOU.
Here are some tips on how to attract women that will help you out:
1. Having an attitude where it seems like you are not trying to win her over implies that you already have high social status.
See, if you were a man that already possessed high social value, would you bend over backwards just to try and make a woman like you? Probably not. So, you need to be able to give a woman that impression from the get go if you want to make her see you as being that kind of guy, the kind that women love to date.
2. Being able to make her feel attraction requires that you know a little bit about how women are attracted to men.
If you think that you have to buy her lots of things, then you might want to discover what really creates attraction with a woman. It's more about the way that you make her feel than anything else. A guy does not have to be made of money to make a woman feel good when she is around him, and if he does make her feel that way, then he has a much better chance than a guy that is just focused on trying to "win" her affection and her approval.
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