How to Make a Man Want to Be With You? Make Him Believe That You Are the Best Choice He Could Make

If you are not satisfied with the way things are going with your man, and it is frustrating that he does not spend more time with you, then it is time to take matters into your own hands and make him want to be with you more. Here are some great tips that will help you get him to be with you.
Shorten the distance between you
Don't let him keep you at arm's length. If you find that he is making all kinds of excuses in order to be away from you, then you should try to get to the heart of the matter and deal with the problem directly. Get rid of the inhibitions and mistrust if there is any! Let him get to know you well and start craving your company.
Just talking is not good enough!
It could be that he gets bored in your company. Just talking about mundane things is definitely not good enough. He has proved that he does not find you all that exciting. You should change the whole picture and become more attractive. Do things that will make him look at you in a whole new way - be sexually appealing and he will want to spend more time with you.
Change your image
You have to upgrade your personality and looks if you are aiming to hook him good and proper! Wear clothes that will show off your beauty. Be scintillating company and show him that you are a woman who can hold her own! Once you get him to admire you, he will want to know more about you and will hang around you.
Stop being a pushover!
As soon as he knows that he has your attention and time, he will begin to lose interest. You will seem too easy! Make sure that you prove a challenge to him. Men like challenges and want women who are enigmatic and mysterious. So stop being too available and make him curious about you.
Show him that you are too busy for him
It is possible that in the past you showed him that you are ready and willing to wait for him to call the shots. He probably knows that you sit by the phone all day waiting for his call. This is the reason why he makes you wait and does not bother to see you that often. Stop taking his calls for a while and start going out with other friends. This shift in your priorities will make him sit up!
Strengthen your relationship with him
If your relationship is weak and there is no special bond between you and your man, it is not surprising that he does not want to spend more time with you. Work on deepening the feelings, intimacy and love between you. Make him want to crave your attention and he will automatically want to be with you more. Concentrate on sharing intimate and special moments together.
Share his interests
If you find that your man is spending less time with you, it is up to you to be smart enough to share his interests and activities. If he is a sports buff - go watch him play his game and cheer him on! If he is interested in music, invite him over to hear the latest album of his favorite singer or band. Use your imagination and get him to spend more time with you.
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