Making Sure the First Date is Not the Only Date

If you're about to go on your first date, you're experiencing the excitement and nervousness that millions of others like you have experienced. You've finally managed to snag a date with that special girl you've been dreaming about, and you want to make is special. You want to make sure that the first date with her is not the only date with her.
While the old cliche says a date with flowers, candlelight, candy and romantic music is a sure thing, this is not always the case. Here are some very simple tips to follow to ensure your first date is not only memorable but the start of more to come.
Be creative. Regardless of whom you're taking out on a date, be creative and use the element of surprise. This will delight her every time. Sure, candlelight, flowers, candy and romantic music can't hurt, but not every girl is into those kinds of things, especially on the first date. If she looks on you as a good friend, these gestures might be considered as too serious for the first date. Make it a point to find out what she enjoys doing before you actually go on the date.
Keep her surprised. Although women by nature are organized and methodical, most women also love surprises. Once you've managed to learn what she enjoys, keep your plans a secret until the big day. You can let her know if it's formal or casual to avoid embarrassment and discomfort, but don't let on anymore than that. She'll appreciate the time and care you took in planning this perfect date.
Keep your shared interests in mind. There was something that attracted you to her in the first place, and it was probably shared interests. Try to plan something that you know you'll both enjoy. The date will be much more interesting and fun if it's something you both enjoy. Introducing each other to new interests should take place after you've been on a few dates (hopefully it will get this far).
Don't expect her to pay the bill. Today woman are more independent and many prefer to pay their own way. However, you asked her out and paying the bill is your responsibility. If she insists on paying her share, there's little you can do about it. However, make every effort to let her know that paying for the date is your pleasure. At the end of the date, don't hesitate to let her know what a great time you had.
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